MultiModem® ZPX
V.92 Internal Modem
Quick Start Guide
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
In t r o d u c t io n
This guide shows you how to set up your MultiModem ZPX. For detailed
information, product specifications, troubleshooting tips, and more, see the User
Guide, available on your MultiModem CD.
Check Multi-Tech’s Web site for current versions of our product documentation.
Sa f e t y W a r n in g s
• Use this product only with UL- and CUL-listed computers.
• To reduce the risk of fire, use only UL-listed 26 AWG (.41mm) or larger
telephone wiring.
• Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
• Never install a telephone jack in a wet location unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
• Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone
line has been disconnected at the network interface.
• Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
• Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm; there is a risk of electrical
shock from lightning.
• Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.
• The telephone cord is to be disconnected before accessing the inside of the
Pa c k a g e Co n t e n t s
• One MultiModem ZPX
• One RJ11 telephone cable
• One printed Quick Start Guide
• One product CD
• One low profile mounting bracket (MT9234ZPX-PCIE models only)
In s t a llin g yo u r M u lt iM o d e m
Installing the MultiModem requires you to open your system. Please consult your
system manual in addition to the following instructions.
1. Turn off your system and unplug it. Failure to do so may result in damage to
both the MultiModem and your system. Do not turn on the system until the
instructions tell you to do so.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
2. Remove the cover from your system as instructed in the system manual.
3. If you are installing a MT9234ZPX-PCIE board in a low profile machine, you
will have to change the mounting bracket to the low profile mounting bracket.
Refer to your User Guide for low profile mounting bracket details.
4. Select an empty PCI expansion slot. Remove the expansion slot cover and
save the retaining screw.
5. Before handling the MultiModem, discharge static in your body by touching a
bare piece of metal on the chassis. Carefully remove the MultiModem from its
antistatic bag, handling it only by the mounting bracket and edges. Do not
touch the gold-plated connectors along the bottom edge.
6. Look at the system’s main board to determine either PCI or Express
connector. Place the MultiModem directly above the expansion slot and
gently, but firmly, push it into the connector until the card’s retaining bracket
is flush against the system chassis.
7. Fasten the retaining bracket to the system chassis with the screw saved in
step 4.
8. Replace the system cover.
M a k in g Ex t e r n a l Co n n e c t io n s
Now, connect the MultiModem to the telephone line and, optionally, to your
telephone. For voice mail or speakerphone, you can also connect it to a
microphone and an external speaker, headphone, or sound card. The microphone
can be used for recording answering machine messages or for speakerphone use.
The speaker or headphone can be used for playing back messages or as a
Optional Voice
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Lin e Co n n e c t io n
Plug one end of the provided telephone cable into the modem’s LINE jack, and
the other end into a telephone wall jack. This is the only required connection.
Important: The LINE jack is not interchangeable with the PHONE jack. Do not
plug the phone into the LINE jack or the line cable into the PHONE jack.
Note: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry
Canada impose certain restrictions on equipment connected to public
telephone systems.
Ph o n e Co n n e c t io n (O p t io n a l)
If you wish to connect a telephone to the same line as the modem, plug
it into the modem PHONE jack. Important: The PHONE jack is not interchangeable
with the LINE jack. Do not plug the phone into the LINE jack or the line cable into
the PHONE jack.
M ic r o p h o n e /H e a d p h o n e Co n n e c t io n (O p t io n a l)
For voice mail or speakerphone applications, plug an unamplified microphone into
the MIC jack. The microphone and headphone should have a stereo 3.58mm (9/64-
inch) mini plug. Do not use a monophonic microphone.
In s t a llin g t h e M o d e m Dr ive r
The MT9234ZPX drivers need to be installed in your computer’s program directory.
The procedure will be different depending on the operating system. The first section
provides installation for the Vista Operating System. The second section provides
installation for Windows 2000 thru Windows XP Operating Systems. If you use a
Linux operating system, please refer to Appendix D in the User Guide for
installation instructions.
Vis t a O p e r a t in g Sys t e m
The MT9234ZPX driver installation is done in three parts, each directed by an
installation wizard. The three parts are: (1) installation of your PCI Serial Port, (2)
installation of the Communications Port, and (3) installation of the modem.
Pr e lim in a r ie s
1. Power up your computer.
2. Windows will detect that the new modem is present.
Dr iv e r In s t a lla t io n o f yo u r PCI Se r ia l Po r t
3. The Found New Hardware screen appears with Windows needs to
install driver software for your PCI Serial Port.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Click on Locate and install driver software (recommended). Windows
will guide you through the process of installing driver software for your
4. The next screen prompts you to insert the disc that came with your PCI
Serial Port. If you have the disc that came with your device, insert it now.
Windows will automatically search the disc for driver software.
Click Next.
5. Windows couldn’t find driver software for your device screen
appears. Choose Browse my computer for driver software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
6. At the Browse for driver software on your computer screen, click the
Browse button.
7. Select the Drivers folder, and then the Vista folder on the product CD.
Click Next.
8. Searching D:\Drivers\Vista for software… screen appears.
9. When the software for this device has been successfully installed screen
appears with Windows has finished installing the driver software for this
device: Multi-Tech’s 1-Port PCI Analog Modem Card.
Click Close.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
In s t a lla t io n o f t h e Co m m u n ic a t io n s Po r t
10. The Found New Hardware – Multifunction Device screen appears with
Insert the disc that came with your Multifunction Device.
The MT9234ZPX-PCI product CD is still in the CDROM drive. Click Next.
11. At the Windows couldn’t find driver software for your device, click on
Browse my computer for driver software (advanced). Locate and
install driver software manually.
12. At the Browse for driver software on your computer screen, click the
Browse button and select the Drivers folder, then the Vista folder on the
product CD.
13. Click Next.
14. Installing driver software… activity screen appears.
15. Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software screen
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Select Install this driver software anyway.
16. Installing driver software progress screen appears.
17. The software for this device has ben successfully installed screen
appears with Windows has finished installing the driver software for this
device: Multi-Tech Communications Port.
Click Close.
In s t a lla t io n o f t h e M o d e m
18. The Found New Hardware – MultiTech Systems MT9234ZPX-PCIE
screen appears with Insert the disc that came with your MultiTech
Systems MT9234ZPX-PCIE.
The MT9234ZPX-PCI product CD is still in the CDROM drive. Click Next.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
19. At the Windows couldn’t find driver software for your device, click on
Browse my computer for driver software (advanced). Locate and
install driver software manually.
20. At the Browse for driver software on your computer screen, click the
Browse button and select the Drivers folder, then the Vista folder on the
product CD.
21. Click Next.
22. Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software screen
Select Install this driver software anyway.
23. Installing driver software progress screen appears.
24. The software for this device has ben successfully installed screen
appears with Windows has finished installing the driver software for this
device: Multi-Tech Systems MT9234ZPX-PCIE.
25. Click Close. The installation of drivers is now complete.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
W in d o w s 20 0 0 a n d XP O p e r a t in g Sys t e m s
The MT9234ZPX driver installation is done in three parts, each directed by an
installation wizard. The three parts are: (1) installation of the Single-port UART PCI
Card, (2) installation of the Communications Port, and (3) installation of the modem.
Pr e lim in a r ie s
1. Power up your computer.
2. Windows will detect that the new modem is present.
In s t a lla t io n o f t h e Sin g le -Po r t UART PCI Ca r d
The wizard will install the files for the 1-port UART PCI Card.
3. The Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears. In response to the
question, “Can Windows connect to Windows Update to search for
software?” select “No, not this time” and click Next.
4. The next screen prompts you to insert the product CD into the computer.
Insert the product CD, and select Install from a list or specific location
Click Next.
5. At the Please Choose Your Search and Installation Options screen,
select Search for the best driver in these locations and browse on the
product CD to the Drivers folder and then the Windows_XP_2K folder.
Select the relevent processor/operating system, AMD64, IA64, or X86.
Click OK and click Next.
6. A has not passed Windows logo testing screen appears. Click
Continue Anyway.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Note: This Microsoft operating system searches for a digital signature when
you install any new hardware. If a “has not passed Windows logo
testing” screen (or Digital Signature Not Found screen) appears, simply
click Continue Anyway (or YES) to continue installation. Although Multi-
Tech submits all eligible products to Microsoft for certification, the turn-
around time is subject to many factors. Not having a digital signature
does not affect product performance in any way.
7. A Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear.
This wizard has finished installing the software for: Multi-Tech’s 1-port
UART PCI Card. Click Finish.
In s t a lla t io n o f t h e Co m m u n ic a t io n s Po r t
The wizard will install the files for the Multi-Tech Communications Port.
8. The Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears.
This wizard helps you install software for: Multifunction Device. Select
Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).
Click Next.
9. At the Please Choose Your Search and Installation Options screen,
select Search for the best driver in these locations and browse on the
product CD to the Drivers folder. Select the relevent processor, AMD64,
IA64, or X86. Click OK and click Next.
10. A has not passed Windows logo testing screen appears. Click
Continue Anyway. (See note on logo testing above.)
11. A Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear.
This wizard has finished installing the software for: Multi-Tech
Communications Port. Click Finish.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
In s t a lla t io n o f t h e M o d e m
The wizard will install the file for Multi-Tech Systems MT9234ZPX Models.
12. The Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears for
a third time. This wizard helps you install the software for: Multi-Tech
Systems MT9234ZPX-UPCI. Select Install from a list or specific
location (Advanced).
Click Next.
13. At the Please Choose Your Search and Installation Options screen,
select Search for the best driver in these locations and browse on the
product CD to the Drivers folder I multitech_pcie_upci-zpx.
14. A Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear.
The wizard has finished installing the software for: Multi-Tech Systems
MT9234ZPX-UPCI. Click Finish.
The installation of drivers is now complete.
Co n f ig u r e t h e M o d e m f o r Yo u r Co u n t r y
Different countries have different requirements for how modems must function.
Therefore, before you use your modem, you must configure it to match the defaults
of the country in which you are using it. The modem is set to country, Euro/NAM,
with a country code of 52 decimal by default. You can use one of two configuration
Using the Global Wizard to Configure Your Modem
Using AT Commands to Configure Your Modem
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Us in g Glo b a l W iz a r d t o Co n f ig u r e Yo u r M o d e m
The Global Wizard configuration utility is recommended for computers running
Windows 2000 or newer.
1. Insert the MultiModem system CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. When the splash screen appears, click Initial Setup & Country Sel button.
3. Choose either:
Run Global Wizard from CD. This will not load the wizard onto your hard
drive, or
Install Global Wizard on the HD. This will install the wizard onto your
hard drive for future use.
4. The Global Wizard dialog box appears. Click Next.
5. The Wizard searches for your modem and identifies it. Click Next.
6. Select the country in which the modem will be used. Click Next.
7. Review your choice of country. If it is correct, click Next to configure the
8. When Global Wizard announces that the parameters have been set, click
Finish to exit.
Using AT Commands to Configure Your Modem
Non-Windows users can configure the modem using AT commands. You must
enter these commands in your communication program terminal window.
1. Run your favorite communication program and open the program terminal
2. To configure the modem for a specific country:
Type AT%T19,0,nn (where nn is the country code in hexadecimal format
Press ENTER.
The message OK displays.
3. To verify the change:
Type ATI9.
Press ENTER.
The country code is displayed in decimal format, as in this example:
AT command
AT%T19,0,34 (default)
Country code
The complete list of country codes can be found on the Multi-Tech
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
MultiModem Quick Start Guide
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
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