Standalone Voice/IP Gateway
Model MVP110
Proprietary Mode
Quick Start Guide
Introduction ................................................................................... 4
Related Documentation ................................................................. 5
Installing Your MultiVOIP............................................................... 6
Unpacking Your MultiVOIP ............................................................ 8
Safety Warnings ............................................................................ 8
Cabling Your MultiVOIP ................................................................. 9
Configuring Your Host MultiVOIP .................................................11
Configuring Your ClientMultiVOIPs.............................................. 24
Deploying the VOIP Network....................................................... 31
Limited Warranty ......................................................................... 33
Technical Support........................................................................ 34
Contacting Technical Support ............................................... 34
FCC Declaration.......................................................................... 35
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Welcome to Multi-Tech's stand-alone Voice/IP Gateway, the
MultiVOIP model MVP110. The MultiVOIP enables FXS-only
analog voice and fax communication over an IP network. Multi-
Tech’s new voice/fax gateway technology allows voice and fax
communication to ride, with no additional expense, over your
existing IP network, which has traditionally been data-only. To
access this free voice and fax communication, all you have to do
is connect the MultiVOIP to your telephone equipment, and then
to your existing Internet connection. Once configured, the
MultiVOIP then allows voice and fax to travel down the same path
as your traditional data communications.
The MVP110 has one independent voice/fax channel, a 10 Mbps
Ethernet LAN interface, and a command port for configuration.
System management is provided through the command port
using bundled Windows® software which provides easy-to-use
configuration menus and online Help.
Figure 1. MultiVOIP
Related Documentation
The MVP110 Quick Start Guide is intended to be used by
qualified systems administrators and network managers. This
quick start provides the necessary information for a qualified
person to unpack, cable, load software, and configure the unit
for proper operation.
A detailed MVP110 User Guide is also provided on the system
CD with your unit and provides in-depth information on the
features and functionality of Multi-Tech’s MultiVOIP.
The User Guide is produced using Adobe AcrobatTM. To view
or print your copy of a user guide, install Acrobat ReaderTM on
your computer. The Acrobat Reader is included on your
system CD or is available as a free download from Adobe’s
The MVP110 User Guide is also available on Multi-Tech’s Web
Viewing and printing a user guide from the Web also requires
that you have the Acrobat Reader loaded on your system. To
select the MVP110 User Guide from the MTS home page, click
Support | Manuals and then click MultiVOIP in the product list.
All MultiVOIP documents will be displayed and you can choose
User Guide (MVP110) to view or download the .pdf file.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Installing Your MultiVOIP
The basic steps of installing your MultiVOIP network involve
unpacking the units, connecting the cables, and configuring
the units using the included management software (MultiVOIP
Configuration). The recommended installation process
includes three phases that, when completed, result in a fully
functional Voice Over IP network. A general description of
each phase is provided below, and detailed instructions follow
throughout the rest of this section.
Configure and Install Your Host MultiVOIP
As the first step, the VOIP administrator configures the
MultiVOIP designated as the “Host” unit. This includes the
assignment of a unique LAN IP address, subnet mask, and
Gateway IP address. Once all connections have been made,
the VOIP administrator configures the unit and builds the
Phone Directory Database that will reside with the Host unit.
Configure Your Client MultiVOIPs
Once installation has been completed, the administrator
moves on to configure the MultiVOIPs designated as “Client”
units. Again, unique LAN IP addresses, subnet masks, and
Gateway IP address. When this is done, the Phone Directory
Database option is set to Client, and the IP address of the
Host MultiVOIP is entered. Once all Client units are
configured, the VOIP network can be deployed.
Deploy the VOIP Network
The final phase of the installation is deployment of the
network. Through the first two phases, the VOIP administrator
controls configuration, so when the Client MultiVOIPs are sent
to their remote sites, the remote site administrators need only
to connect the units to their LAN and telephone equipment. A
full Phone Directory Database (supplied by the Host
MultiVOIP) will be loaded into their unit within minutes of being
connected and turned on.
The final task of the VOIP Administrator is to develop the VOIP
Dialing Directory based on the Phone Directory Database and
telephone numbers of the interfacing telephone equipment; at
which point, a VOIP user can call any person on the VOIP
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Unpacking Your MultiVOIP
Remove all items from the box (See Figure 4).
Voice/Fax over IP Networks
Figure 4. Unpacking
Safety Warnings
Caution: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
A lithium battery on the voice/fax channel board provides
backup power for the time keeping capability. The battery has
an estimated life expectancy of ten years.
When the battery starts to weaken, the date and time may be
incorrect. If the battery fails, the board must be sent back to
Multi-Tech Systems for battery replacement.
The Phone and Ethernet ports are not designed to be
connected to a Public Telecommunication Network.
Cabling Your MultiVOIP
Cabling your MultiVOIP involves making the proper Power,
Command Port, phone system, and Internet connections.
Figure 5 shows the back panel connectors and the associated
cable connections. The following procedure details the steps
necessary for cabling your MultiVOIP.
1. Connect the power supply to a live AC outlet, then connect
it to the MultiVOIP as shown in Figure 5.
Power Connection
Command Port Connection
Network Connection
Figure 5. Cable Connections
2. Connect the MultiVOIP to a PC using the RJ-45 to DB9
(female) cable provided with your unit. Plug the RJ-45 end
of the cable into the Command port of the MultiVOIP and
connect the other end to the PC serial port you are using.
See Figure 5.
3. Connect a network cable to the Ethernet connector on the
back of the MultiVOIP. Connect the other end of the cable
to your network.
4. If you are connecting a station device such as an analog
telephone, a fax machine, or a Key Telephone System
(KTS) to your MultiVOIP, connect an RJ-11 cable to the
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Voice/Fax Channel connector on the back of the
MultiVOIP and the other end to the station device.
5. Turn on power to the MultiVOIP by setting the power
switch on the right side panel to the On position. Wait for
the Boot LED on the MultiVOIP to go off before
proceeding. This may take a couple of minutes.
Proceed to the Software Loading section to load the MultiVOIP
Configure Host MultiVOIP
Configuring Your Host MultiVOIP
Configuring your Host MultiVOIP involves software loading
and configuration.
The software loading procedure does not provide every screen
or option in the loading process. It is assumed that a technical
person with a thorough knowledge of Windows and the
software loading process is performing the installation.
Additional information on the MultiVOIP software is provided in
the User Guide supplied with your MultiVOIP.
If you are installing a MultiVOIP behind a firewall, you need to
add the following UDP ports to your firewall.
900 Signaling Information
5000 Status Information
5004 RTP Packets
5005 RTCP Packets
Refer to your firewall user documentation to enter and open
these ports.
1. Make certain that your MVP 110 has been properly cabled
and that the power is turned on.
2. Insert the MVP 110 CD into your CD-ROM drive. The CD
should start automatically. It may take 10 to 20 seconds
for the Multi-Tech CD installation window to display.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
If the Multi-Tech Installation CD window does not display
automatically, click My Computer, then right click the CD
ROM drive icon, click Open, and then click the Autorun
3. When the Multi-Tech Installation CD dialog box displays,
click the Install Software icon.
4. The Welcome dialog box displays.
Press Enter or click Next to continue.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install your MultiVOIP
Configure Host MultiVOIP
6. The following dialog box selects the COM port of your PC
connected to the Command port of the MultiVOIP. From
the Select Port list, choose the COM port of your PC.
Click OK to continue.
7. The Setup Complete dialog displays.
Click Finish to continue.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
8. The following message displays:
Click No to continue.
9. In the program group, double-click Upgrade Software.
10. The following window displays.
Click Yes to continue.
11. The IP Protocol Default Setup dialog box displays.
The default Frame Type is TYPE_II. If this does not match
your IP network, change the Frame Type by selecting SNAP
from the Frame Type list. The available Frame Type choices
are TYPE_II and SNAP.
12. In the Ethernet group, enter your unique LAN IP address in
the IP Address box, then enter the Subnet Mask and
Gateway Address for your LAN in the corresponding
Configure Host MultiVOIP
The IP address is your unique LAN IP address, and the
Gateway address is the IP address of the device
connecting your MultiVOIP to the Internet.
Click OK when you are finished.
13. The Channel Setup dialog box displays. It is used to
define the voice/fax channel interface, voice coder, fax
parameters, billing options, security settings, and regional
phone parameters (tone pairs).
14. If you are connecting a station device such as an analog
telephone, a fax machine, or a Key Telephone System
(KTS) to the Voice/Fax connector on the back of the unit.
In the Max Dial Digits box, enter the maximum number of
digits allowed when dialing a phone number. The default
setting is 5. In the Inter Digit Time box, enter the
maximum amount of time in milliseconds that the unit will
wait before mapping the dialed digits to an entry in the
Phone Directory Database. If too much time elapses
between digits and the wrong numbers are mapped, you
hear a rapid busy signal. If this happens, hang up and dial
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
again. This option is available for all interface types. In
the Flash Timer box, enter the time, in milliseconds, for
the duration of flash hook signals output on the interface.
To dedicate the local voice/fax channel to a remote voice/
fax channel, (so you will not have to dial the remote
channel) select the Auto Call Enable check box. Enter
the phone number of the remote VOIP in the Phone
Number box.
The Voice/Fax tab displays the parameters for the voice
coder, faxing, and DTMF gain.
15. To change the voice coder, select the new voice coder
entry from the Voice Coder list.
If you changed the voice coder, ensure that the same
voice coder is used on the voice/fax channel you are
calling. Otherwise, you will get a busy signal.
16. The Fax group enables you to select the maximum baud
rate for faxes and adjust the fax volume. If you do not plan
to send or receive faxes on a given voice/fax channel, you
can disable faxes in the Fax group.
Configure Host MultiVOIP
17. The Billing/Security tab displays the parameters for
billing options, call authentication, and automatic
18. You can set up billing options for inbound and outbound
calls by selecting them in the Billing Options group and
then entering the charge in cents per number of seconds.
19. The Call Authentication option enables password
protection for outbound and inbound calls on the selected
voice/fax channel. If you enable password protection on
inbound or outbound calls, you need to also enter a
password of up to 14 numeric characters in the Password
20. The Automatic Disconnect option limits call duration to
the number of seconds entered in the Disconnect After
box. The default value of 180 seconds can be changed to
any other value up to 65,535 (roughly 18.2 hours).
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
If your country/region is not the default USA, click the
Regional tab and select your country or region from the
21. To change the Tone Pairs on the Regional tab, select your
country or region from the Country/Region list.
The Tone Pairs group parameters change per your
choice. Click OK when finished.
22. The following dialog box displays.
Click OK. The upgrade takes several minutes to complete.
23. From the Program Group, double-click MultiVOIP
Configuration. Click Phone Book. The Phone
Directory Database dialog box displays. You will build
your personalized MultiVOIP Phone Directory in the
following steps.
The MultiVOIP configured as a “Host” will contain the host
Configure Host MultiVOIP
database. The host database has the phone numbers of
all the MultiVOIPs available for communication on an IP
network. This database is downloaded to each Client
MultiVOIP as it comes online.
Click Add to begin building your phone directory database.
24. The Add/Edit Phone Entry dialog box displays.
In the Station Information group, enter the unique phone
number of the local device connected to Channel 1 in the
Phone Number box. For example phone number 101.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
25. The Description is optional, but can be useful in
associating the channel to the extension. If you want,
enter a description of your local phone number. This
description identifies the phone number you entered in the
previous step.
26. Select the Permit Hunting check box if you want calls to
roll over to a second voice/fax channel on an answering
MultiVOIP 2, 4, or 8-port client MultiVOIP when the first
channel is busy.
Note: The Host MultiVOIP must have a static IP address
that the remote MultiVOIP can reference to obtain a
downloaded copy of the host phone directory database.
27. In the MultiVOIP Identification group, enter the IP
address of the Host MultiVOIP in the IP Address box.
Then obtain the 12-digit Node ID# (0008005xxxxx) from
the ID plate on the back panel of the MultiVOIP and enter
this number in the Ethernet Node ID box. If the ID plate
is missing or damaged, you can also Telnet to the
MultiVOIP and, on the MultiVOIP Telnet Server menu enter
1 to advance to the Main Menu, then enter 3 for System
Information where item 1 is the Ethernet Port Address you
want to enter in the Ethernet Node ID box.
Configure Host MultiVOIP
28. Click OK and you are returned to the Phone Directory
Database dialog box, which now includes phone number
101 with its IP address, channel number, and description.
29. Click Add and the Add/Edit Phone Entry dialog box
displays again.
30. Enter the phone number for the remote MultiVOIP in the
Station Information group Phone Number box. For
example, 201.
31. Enter a description for the remote MultiVOIP phone
number in the Description box.
Note: If the remote MultiVOIP is located behind a proxy
server that uses a dynamically assigned IP address, select
Dynamic (disabling Static IP Address) and leave the IP
Address box blank. The Host MultiVOIP will learn the IP
address when it is contacted by the remote MultiVOIP.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
32. Enter the IP address of the remote MultiVOIP in the IP
Address box in the MultiVOIP Identification group.
33. Click OK and you are returned to the Phone Directory
Database dialog box, which now includes the second
number and related information in the Phone Number
34. When you have finished, click OK. On the Main menu,
click Download Setup.
Configure Host MultiVOIP
35. The Save Setup dialog box displays.
Click OK to proceed.
36. After the setup is written to the MultiVOIP, the unit is
37. Verify that the BOOT LED on the MultiVOIP is off after the
download is complete. This may take several minutes as
the MultiVOIP reboots.
38. Win3.1 users - you are returned to your Program
Manager where the MultiVOIP Program Group and
Program Items (Windows icons) display.
Win95/98/NT/2000 users - you are returned to your
MultiVOIP folder which is open and visible on your
At this time, your host MultiVOIP is configured. Proceed to the
next section to configure the client MultiVOIPs.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Configuring Your ClientMultiVOIPs
If you are installing a MultiVOIP behind a firewall, you need to
add the following UDP ports to your firewall.
900 Signaling Information
5000 Status Information
5004 RTP Packets
5005 RTCP Packets
Refer to your firewall user documentation to enter and open
these ports.
1. Disconnect the PC from the command port of the Host
MultiVOIP and connect it to the command port on the
Client MultiVOIP.
2. Win 3.1 users - from the Program Manager, double-click
the MultiVOIP Configuration icon in the MultiVOIP
Program Group. The main menu displays.
Win95/98/NT/2000 users - from your desktop, click Start |
Programs I MultiVOIP I Upgrade Software. The
following dialog box displays.
3. Click Yes. The IP Protocol Default Setup dialog box
The default Frame Type is TYPE_II. If this does not
Configure Client MultiVOIPs
match your IP network, select the Frame Type from the
Frame Type list. The Frame Type choices are TYPE_II
and SNAP.
4. In the Port Address group, enter the IP Address and IP
Mask. In the Gateway Address group, enter the gateway
IP address for the client unit.
The IP address is your unique LAN IP address, and the
Gateway address is the IP address of the device
connected to the Internet/Intranet.
Click OK when you are finished. The Channel Setup
dialog box displays.
5. The Channel Setup dialog box defines the voice coder,
fax parameters, and regional telephone parameters for the
voice/fax channel.
6. If you are connecting a station device such as an analog
telephone, a fax machine, or a Key Telephone System
(KTS) to the Voice/Fax connector on the back of the unit.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Check with your in-house telephone personnel to verify
whether your local PBX dial signaling is Pulse or DTMF
(tone). Set the Regeneration option accordingly. In the
Max Dial Digits box, enter the maximum number of digits
allowed when dialing a phone number. The default setting
is 5. In the Inter Digit Time box, enter the maximum
amount of time in milliseconds that the unit will wait before
mapping the dialed digits to an entry in the Phone
Directory Database. If too much time elapses between
digits and the wrong numbers are mapped, you hear a
rapid busy signal. If this happens, hang up and dial again.
This option is available for all interface types. In the Flash
Timer box, enter the time, in milliseconds, for the duration
of flash hook signals output on the interface.
To dedicate the voice/fax channel to a remote voice/fax
channel, (so you will not have to dial the remote channel)
select the Auto Call Enable check box. Enter the phone
number of the remote VOIP in the Phone Number box.
The Voice/Fax tab displays the parameters for the voice
coder, faxing, and DTMF gain.
8. To change the voice coder, select the new voice coder
entry from the Voice Coder list.
Configure Client MultiVOIPs
If you changed the voice coder, ensure that the same
voice coder is used on the voice/fax channel you are
calling. Otherwise, you will always get a busy signal.
9. The Fax group enables you to select the maximum baud
rate for faxes and adjust the fax volume. If you do not plan
to send or receive faxes on a given voice/fax channel, you
can disable faxes in the Fax group.
10. The Billing/Security tab displays the parameters for
billing options, call authentication, and automatic
11. You can set up billing options for inbound and outbound
calls by selecting them in the Billing Options group and
then entering the charge in cents per number of seconds.
12. The Call Authentication option enables password
protection for outbound and inbound calls on the selected
voice/fax channel. If you enable password protection on
inbound or outbound calls, you need to also enter a
password of up to 14 numeric characters in the Password
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
13. The Automatic Disconnect option limits call duration to
the number of seconds entered in the Disconnect After
box. The default value of 180 seconds can be changed
to any other value up to 65,535 (roughly 18.2 hours).
14. To change the Tone Pairs on the Regional tab, select
your specific country or region from the Country/Region
The Tone Pairs group parameters change per your
selections. Click OK. The following dialog box displays.
15. Click OK after the upgrade is completed. Click Start |
Programs| MultiVOIP | MultiVOIP Configuration. On the
Configure Client MultiVOIPs
main menu, click Phone Book to display the Phone
Directory Database dialog box.
In the Database Type group, click the Client option. The
Host IP Address box becomes active.
16. Enter the IP address of the host MultiVOIP in the Host IP
Address box.
17. Click OK and you are returned to the main menu.
18. Click Download Setup to write the new configuration to
the client unit. The Save Setup dialog box displays.
19. Select the Save Current Setup as User Default
Configuration check box and click OK. After the setup is
written to the MultiVOIP, the unit reboots.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
20. Verify that the Boot LED on the MultiVOIP is off after the
download is complete. This may take several minutes as
the MultiVOIP reboots.
21. You are returned to the main menu.
Your MultiVOIP is operational at this time.
Repeat this procedure for each of the client units. When all
clients have been configured, proceed with deploying the
VOIP network.
Configure Client MultiVOIPs
Deploying the VOIP Network
Deploying the VOIP network involves the VOIP Administrator
developing the VOIP Dialing Directory and deploying the pre-
configured client MultiVOIPs to their remote sites. The remote
site administrators need only connect power to the pre-
configured MultiVOIP, connect it to their Ethernet LAN and
predefined telephone equipment, and then wait for the phone
directory database to be downloaded.
Perform the following procedure to deploy your VOIP network.
VOIP Administrator
1. Create your VOIP Dialing Directory based on your Phone
Directory Database for the numbers to connect the
MultiVOIPs to your VOIP network and the telephone
extension number you need to connect the Voice/Fax
channels. A sample VOIP Dialing Directory is provided
below for your consideration and use.
VOIP Dialing Directory
Call Process
To call from
2. Send the client MultiVOIPs to their remote sites.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Remote Site Administrator
3. Unpack your MultiVOIP.
4. Connect one end of the power supply to a live AC outlet
and connect the other end to the Power connection on
your MultiVOIP.
Voice/Fax Channel
Power Connection
Ethernet Connection
Figure 5. Remote Site Cable Connection
5. Connect a network cable to the ETHERNET 10Base-T
(RJ-45) connector on the back of your MultiVOIP.
6. If you are connecting a station device such as an analog
telephone, a fax machine, or a Key Telephone System
(KTS) to your MultiVOIP, connect one end of an RJ-11
cable to the Voice/Fax Channel 1 FXS connector on the
back of the MultiVOIP and the other end to the station
7. Turn on power to the MultiVOIP by placing the ON/OFF
switch on the right side panel in the ON position. Wait for
the Boot LED on the MultiVOIP to go off before
proceeding. This may take a couple of minutes.
8. At this time your VOIP network should be fully operational.
Dial one of the sites in your network using the dialing
directory supplied by your Network Administrator.
Deploy VOIP Network
Limited Warranty
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. (“MTS”) warrants that its products will
be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of
two years from the date of purchase, or if proof of purchase is
not provided, two years from date of shipment. MTS MAKES
DISCLAIMED. This warranty does not apply to any products
which have been damaged by lightning storms, water, or
power surges or which have been neglected, altered, abused,
used for a purpose other than the one for which they were
manufactured, repaired by the customer or any party without
MTS’s written authorization, or used in any manner
inconsistent with MTS’s instructions.
MTS’s entire obligation under this warranty shall be limited (at
MTS’s option) to repair or replacement of any products which
prove to be defective within the warranty period, or, at MTS’s
option, issuance of a refund of the purchase price. Defective
products must be returned by Customer to MTS’s factory
transportation prepaid.
MultiVOIP Quick Start Guide
Technical Support
Multi-Tech Systems has an excellent staff of technical support
personnel available to help you get the most out of your Multi-
Tech product. If you have any questions about the operation
of this unit, or experience difficulty during installation you can
contact Tech Support via the following:
Contacting Technical Support
By E-mail
(33) 1-64 61 09 81
(91) 124-340778
(44) 118 959 7774
(800) 972-2439
(763) 785-3500
U.S. & Canada: support@multitech.com
Please have your product information available, including
model and serial number.
Warranty and Regulatory Information
FCC Declaration
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this
equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment.
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