OperatiOn Manual
Streetpro SerieS
MODel Sp118
prOfeSSiOnal paveMent Saw
(HOnDa GX390u1Qwt2 GaSOline enGine)
Revision #1 (5/3/12)
To find the latest revision of this
publication, visit our website at:
pn: 38206
SilicOSiS/reSpiratOry warninGS
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and
other materials with silica in their composition may give
off dust or mists containing crystalline silica. Silica is a
basic component of sand, quartz, brick clay, granite and
numerous other minerals and rocks. Repeated and/or
substantial inhalation of airborne crystalline silica can
cause serious or fatal respiratory diseases, including
silicosis. In addition, California and some other
authorities have listed respirable crystalline silica as a
substance known to cause cancer. When cutting such
materials, always follow the respiratory precautions
mentioned above.
Grinding/cutting/drilling of masonry, concrete, metal and
other materials can generate dust, mists and fumes
containing chemicals known to cause serious or fatal
injury or illness, such as respiratory disease, cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm. If you are
unfamiliar with the risks associated with the particular
process and/or material being cut or the composition of
the tool being used, review the material safety data
sheet and/or consult your employer, the material
manufacturer/supplier, governmental agencies such as
OSHA and NIOSH and other sources on hazardous
materials. California and some other authorities, for
instance, have published lists of substances known to
cause cancer, reproductive toxicity, or other harmful
Control dust, mist and fumes at the source where
possible. In this regard use good work practices and
follow the recommendations of the manufacturers or
suppliers, OSHA/NIOSH, and occupational and trade
associations. Water should be used for dust
suppression when wet cutting is feasible. When the
hazards from inhalation of dust, mists and fumes cannot
be eliminated, the operator and any bystanders should
always wear a respirator approved by NIOSH/MSHA for
the materials being used.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 3
table Of cOntentS
Sp118 Streetpro
professional pavement Saw
Proposition 65 Warning ........................................... 2
Silicosis/Respiratory Warnings................................ 3
Table Of Contents.................................................... 4
Parts Ordering Procedures...................................... 5
Training Checklist .................................................... 6
Daily Pre-Operation Checklist ................................. 7
Safety Information .............................................. 8-14
Specifications (Saw).............................................. 16
Specifications (Engine).......................................... 17
General Information............................................... 18
Components .......................................................... 19
Basic Engine.......................................................... 20
Inspection/Setup............................................... 21-23
Blades............................................................... 24-26
Raise/Lower And Depth Stop ................................ 27
Operation.......................................................... 28-31
Maintenance (Saw)................................................ 32
Maintenance (Engine) ........................................... 33
Decommissioning/Water Tank (Optional)............... 34
Troubleshooting (Saw)........................................... 35
Troubleshooting (Engine)....................................... 36
Conformity Certificates.......................................... 37
page 4 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
partS OrDerinG prOceDureS
Ordering parts has never been easier!
Choose from three easy options:
January 1st, 2006
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To obtain an MQ Account, contact your
District Sales Manager for more information.
Use the internet and qualify for a 5% Discount
on Standard orders for all orders which include
complete part numbers.*
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on Standard orders for all orders which include
complete part numbers.*
Order via Fax (Dealers Only):
All customers are welcome to order parts via Fax.
Domestic (US) Customers dial:
1-800-6-PARTS-7 (800-672-7877)
Note: Discounts Are Subject To Change
Domestic (US) Dealers Call:
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Non-Dealer Customers:
International Customers should contact
their local Multiquip Representatives for
Parts Ordering information.
Contact your local Multiquip Dealer for
parts or call 800-427-1244 for help in
locating a dealer near you.
When ordering parts, please supply:
Dealer Account Number
Specify Preferred Method of Shipment:
Dealer Name and Address
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Return Fax Number
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Quantity, Part Number and Description of Each Part
All orders are treated as Standard Orders and will
ship the same day if received prior to 3PM PST.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 5
traininG cHecKliSt
Training Checklist
Read operation manual
Machine layout, location of
components, checking of engine
and hydraulic oil levels.
Fuel system, refueling procedure.
Operation of spray and lights.
Operation of controls (machine
not running).
Safety controls, safety stop switch
Emergency stop procedures.
Startup of machine, pre-heat,
engine choke.
Forward and reverse travel.
Starting a cut.
Pavement cutting techniques.
Stopping a cut.
Restart after stopping blade within
work surface — explanation
Shutdown of machine.
Lifting of machine (lift loops).
Machine transport and storage.
page 6 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Daily pre-OperatiOn cHecKliSt
Daily pre-operation Checklist
Hardware and damage check
Engine oil level
Hydraulic oil level
Condition of blade
Safety stop switch operation
Braking control operation
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 7
Safety infOrMatiOn
Do not operate or service the equipment before reading
the entire manual. Safety precautions should be followed
at all times when operating this equipment.
Failure to read and understand the safety
messages and operating instructions could
result in injury to yourself and others.
Potential hazards associated with the operation of this
equipment will be referenced with hazard symbols which
may appear throughout this manual in conjunction with
safety messages.
Safety Hazard
SaFeTY meSSageS
The four safety messages shown below will inform you
about potential hazards that could injure you or others.The
safety messages specifically address the level of exposure
to the operator and are preceded by one of four words:
Danger, warning, CauTion or noTiCe.
Lethal exhaust gas hazards
Explosive fuel hazards
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in DeaTH or SeriouS inJurY.
Burn hazards
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
CoulD result in DeaTH or SeriouS inJurY.
Rotating parts hazards
Cutting and crushing hazards
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
CoulD result in minor or moDeraTe inJurY.
Addresses practices not related to personal injury.
Hydraulic fluid hazards
page 8 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Safety infOrMatiOn
general SaFeTY
„ This equipment should only be operated by trained and
qualified personnel 18 years of age and older.
„ never operate this equipment without proper protective
clothing, shatterproof glasses, respiratory protection,
hearing protection, steel-toed boots and other protective
devices required by the job or city and state regulations.
„ Whenever necessary, replace nameplate, operation and
safety decals when they become difficult read.
„ Manufacturer does not assume responsibility for any
accident due to equipment modifications. Unauthorized
equipment modification will void all warranties.
„ never use accessories or attachments that are not
recommended by Multiquip for this equipment. Damage
to the equipment and/or injury to user may result.
„ Avoid wearing jewelry or loose fitting clothes that may
snag on the controls or moving parts as this can cause
serious injury.
„ alwaYS know the location of the nearest
fire extinguisher.
„ never operate this equipment when not
feeling well due to fatigue, illness or when
under medication.
„ alwaYS know the location of the nearest
first aid kit.
„ never operate this equipment under the
influence of drugs or alcohol.
„ alwaYS know the location of the nearest phone or keep
a phone on the job site. Also, know the phone numbers
of the nearest ambulance, doctor and fire department.
This information will be invaluable in the case of an
„ alwaYS clear the work area of any debris, tools, etc.
that would constitute a hazard while the equipment is
in operation.
„ No one other than the operator is to be in the working
area when the equipment is in operation.
„ Do noT use the equipment for any purpose other than
its intended purposes or applications.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 9
Safety infOrMatiOn
Saw SaFeTY
„ alwaYS ensure saw is securely placed on appropriate
blocks or jackstands when performing maintenance
requires elevation of the saw.
„ Engine fuel exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon
monoxide. This gas is colorless and odorless, and can
cause death if inhaled.
„ If saw has brakes, ensure brakes are applied when
leaving or when using on a slope. Some saws utilize a
brake system where the brakes are automatically applied
when the engine is stopped.
„ The engine of this equipment requires an adequate free
flow of cooling air.never operate this equipment in any
enclosed or narrow area
„ If saw has a parking brake, ensure that the parking
brake is engaged and holds the saw safely in place
when parking on a slope.. Turning the saw across the
angle of the slope will help prevent accidental downhill
where free flow of the air is
restricted. If the air flow is
restricted it will cause injury
to people and property and
serious damage to the
equipment or engine.
„ alwaYS block the saw with appropriate blocks when
leaving the saw parked on a slope.
„ neveroperatetheequipmentinanexplosive
explosion or fire could result causing severe
bodily harm or even death.
„ To prevent unexpected loss of control, Do noT start
engine on a sloping surface
„ DonoT use on excessive slopes or on extremely uneven
„ If applicable, never use your hand to find
hydraulic leaks. Use a piece of wood or
cardboard. Hydraulic fluid injected into the
skin must be treated by a knowledgeable
physician immediately or severe injury or
death can occur.
„ alwaYS start engine with the control handle in
NEUTRAL position to prevent unexpected movement.
„ alwaYS keep the machine in proper running condition.
„ Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts
„ Accidental starting can cause severe injury
or death. alwaYS place the ON/OFF
switch in the OFF position.
„ Make sure there is no buildup of concrete, grease, oil or
debris on the machine.
„ alwaYS store equipment properly when it is not being
used.Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location
out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.
„ never disconnect any emergency or safety devices.
These devices are intended for operator safety.
Disconnection of these devices can cause severe injury,
bodily harm or even death.Disconnection of any of these
devices will void all warranties.
„ Anytime the saw is lifted onto its nose or tilted fully
back, such as for maintenance access, the high end of
the saw MUST be blocked up to prevent the possibility
of crush injury.
page 10 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Safety infOrMatiOn
„ Do noT drop the diamond blade on ground or
BlaDe SaFeTY
„ Ensure that the blade is mounted for proper operating
„ Rotating blade can cut and crush.alwaYS
keep hands and feet clear while operating
the saw.
„ Adhere to the blade manufacturer’s recommendations
on handling, storage and safe usage of blades.
engine SaFeTY
„ never operate the saw without blade
guards and covers in place. Exposure of
the diamond blade must not exceed 180
„ Do noT place hands or fingers inside
engine compartment when engine is
„ Verify the engine start switch is set to the OFF position
before installing a blade.
„ never operate the engine with heat shields or
guards removed.
„ alwaYS inspect blade before each
use. The blade should exhibit no cracks,
dings, or flaws in the steel centered core
and/or rim. Center (arbor) hole must be
undamaged and true.
„ Keep fingers, hands hair and clothing away
from all moving parts to prevent injury.
„ alwaYS shut down the engine before
performing service or maintenance.
„ Do noT remove the engine oil drain plug while the
engine is hot. Hot oil will gush out of the oil tank and
severely scald any persons in the general area of the
„ Use proper blades and follow blade manufacturer’s
recommendations. Match the blade RPM (blade shaft
RPM) to the recommended blade surface feet per minute
„ Ensure the 5/8" blade-mounting bolt is tightened to 125-
175 foot lbs. of torque.
„ never touch the hot exhaust manifold,
muffler or cylinder.Allow these parts to cool
before servicing equipment.
„ alwaYS examine blade flanges for damage and
excessive wear.
„ Make certain the operator knows how to and is capable
of turning the engine OFF in case of an emergency.
„ Ensure the blade is marked with an operating speed
greater than the spindle speed of the saw.
„ Only cut the material that is specified for the diamond
blade. Read the specification of the diamond blade to
ensure the proper tool has been matched to the material
being cut.
„ never run engine without an air filter or with a dirty air
filter.Severe engine damage may occur.Service air filter
frequently to prevent engine malfunction.
„ If wet cutting, ensure a weT CuTTing blade is being
used and that the water supply system to the blade is
properly functioning and being used.
„ never tamper with the factory settings
of the engine or engine governor. Damage
to the engine or equipment can result
if operating in speed ranges above the
maximum allowable.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 11
Safety infOrMatiOn
Fuel SaFeTY
BaTTerY SaFeTY (eleCTriC STarT onlY)
„ Do noT add fuel to equipment if it is placed inside truck
bed with plastic liner. Possibility exists of explosion or
fire due to static electricity
„ Do noT drop the battery. There is a possibility that the
battery will explode.
„ Do noT expose the battery to open flames,
sparks, cigarettes, etc.The battery contains
combustible gases and liquids. If these
gases and liquids come into contact with a
flame or spark, an explosion could occur.
„ alwaYS wear safety glasses when
handling the battery to avoid eye irritation.
The battery contains acids that can cause
injury to the eyes and skin.
„ Use well-insulated gloves when picking up
the battery.
„ alwaYS keep the battery charged. If the battery is not
charged, combustible gas will build up.
„ Do noT start the engine near spilled fuel or combustible
fluids. Fuel is extremely flammable and its vapors can
cause an explosion if ignited.
„ Do noT charge battery if frozen. Battery can explode.
When frozen, warm the battery to at least 61°F (16°C).
„ alwaYS recharge the battery in a well-ventilated
of combustible gases.
„ alwaYS refuel in a well-ventilated area, away from
sparks and open flames.
„ alwaYS use extreme caution when working with
flammable liquids.
„ If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid)
comes into contact with clothing or skin,
rinse skin or clothing immediately with
plenty of water.
„ Do noT fill the fuel tank while the engine is running
or hot.
„ If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into
contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty
of water and contact the nearest doctor or hospital to
seek medical attention.
„ Do noT overfill tank, since spilled fuel could ignite if it
comes into contact with hot engine parts or sparks from
the ignition system.
„ Store fuel in appropriate containers, in well-ventilated
areas and away from sparks and flames.
„ alwaYS disconnect the negaTive battery terminal
before performing service on the equipment.
„ never use fuel as a cleaning agent.
„ Do noT smoke around or near the
equipment. Fire or explosion could result
from fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a
hot engine.
„ alwaYS keep battery cables in good working condition.
Repair or replace all worn cables.
page 12 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Safety infOrMatiOn
„ never tip the engine to extreme angles during lifting as
it may cause oil to gravitate into the cylinder head, making
the engine start difficult.
liFTing SaFeTY
„ never allow any person or animal to stand underneath
the equipment while lifting.
„ Always make sure crane or lifting device has been
properly secured to the lifting bale.
„ Some saws are very heavy and awkward to move around.
Use proper heavy lifting procedures.
„ Do noT lift machine to unnecessary heights.
„ never lift the equipment while the engine is running.
„ Do noT attempt to lift the saw by the guards, handle
bars or front pointers.
„ alwaYS use ramps capable of supporting the weight of
the saw and the operator to load and unload the saw.
TranSporTing SaFeTY
„ The easiest way to lift the saw is to utilize the lifting bale.A
strap or chain can be attached to the lifting bale, allowing
a forklift or crane to lift the saw up onto and off of a slab
of concrete. The strap or chain should have a minimum
of 2,000 pounds (1,000 kg) lifting capacity and the lifting
gear must be capable of lifting at least this amount.
„ alwaYS shutdown engine before transporting.
„ Tighten fuel tank cap securely and close fuel cock to
prevent fuel from spilling.
„ Before lifting, make sure that the lifting bale is not
„ alwaYS tie down equipment during transport by
securing the equipment with rope.
„ Use one point suspension hook and lift straight upwards.
„ Ensurethatthediamondbladedoesnotcomeintocontact
with the ground or surface during transportation.
„ never transport the saw to or from the job site with the
blade mounted.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 13
Safety infOrMatiOn
environmenTal SaFeTY/DeCommiSSioning
emiSSionS inFormaTion
Decommissioning is a controlled process used to safely
retire a piece of equipment that is no longer serviceable.
If the equipment poses an unacceptable and unrepairable
safety risk due to wear or damage or is no longer cost
effective to maintain (beyond life-cycle reliability) and is to
be decommissioned (demolition and dismantlement),be
sure to follow rules below.
The gasoline engine used in this equipment has been
designed to reduce harmful levels of carbon monoxide
(CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
contained in gasoline exhaust emissions.
This engine has been certified to meet US EPA Evaporative
emissions requirements in the installed configuration.
Attempting to modify or make adjustments to the engine
emmission system by unauthorized personnel without
proper training could damage the equipment or create an
unsafe condition.
„ Do noT pour waste or oil directly onto the ground, down
a drain or into any water source.
„ Contact your country's Department of
Public Works or recycling agency in your
area and arrange for proper disposal of
any electrical components, waste or oil
associated with this equipment.
Additionally, modifying the fuel system may adversely affect
evaporative emissions, resulting in fines or other penalties.
emission Control label
„ When the life cycle of this equipment is over, remove
battery and bring to appropriate facility for lead
reclamation. Use safety precautions when handling
batteries that contain sulfuric acid.
The emission control label is an integral part of the emission
system and is strictly controlled by regulation(s).
The label must remain with the engine for its entire life.
„ When the life cycle of this equipment is over, it is
recommended that the trowel frame and all other metal
parts be sent to a recycling center.
If a replacement emission label is needed, please contact
your authorized Honda Engine Distributor.
Metal recycling involves the collection of metal from
discarded products and its transformation into raw
materials to use in manufacturing a new product.
Recyclers and manufacturers alike promote the process
of recycling metal. Using a metal recycling center
promotes energy cost savings.
page 14 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 15
Figure 1. SP118 Dimensions
Table 1. Dimensions
reFerenCe leTTer
43.00 (109 cm)
46.0" (117 cm)
67.0" (170 cm)
37.0" (94 cm)
25.0" (64 cm)
17.0" (40 cm)
10.0" (25.4 cm)
24.5" (40 cm)
Height w/handle– in. (cm)
Length w/pointer raised – in. (cm)
Length w/pointer lowered – in. (cm)
Height w/o handle– in. (cm)
Width – in. (cm)
Rear Wheel Base – in. (cm)
Front Wheel Base – in. (cm)
Handle Bar Width – in. (cm)
Table 2. Saw Specifications
Maximum Spindle RPM
Arbor Size
2836 RPM
1.0" (2.54 cm)
7.0" (17.78 cm)
274 lbs. (124.3)
259 lbs. (117.5)
Maximum Cutting Depth in. (cm)
Maximum Operating Mass
Nominal Mass (without blade or fluids)
page 16 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Table 3. noise and vibration emissions
Guaranteed ISO 11201:2010 Based
Sound Pressure Level at Operator Station in dB(A)
Guaranteed ISO 3744:2010 Based
Sound Power Level in dB(A)
Hand-Arm Vibration Per ISO 5349-1:200
in m/s2 ∑A(8)
1. Sound Pressure and Power Levels are “A” weighted Measures per ISO 226:2003 (ANSI S1.4-1981). They are measured with the operating
condition of the machine which generates the most repeatable but highest values of the sound levels. Under normal circumstances, the sound
level will vary depending on the condition of the material being worked upon.
2. The vibration level indicated is the vector sum of the RMS (Root Mean Square) Values of amplitudes on each axis, standardized to an 8 hour
exposure period, and obtained using operating condition of the machine that generates the most repeatable but highest values in accordance
with the applicable standards for the machine.
3. Per EU Directive 2002/44/EC, the daily exposure action value for hand-arm vibration is 2.5 m/s2 ∑A(8). The daily exposure limit value is
5 m/s2 ∑A(8).
Table 4. engine Specifications
HonDa gX390u1QwT2
Air-cooled 4 stroke, Single cylinder, OHV,
Gasoline Engine
3.5 in. x 2.5 in.
(88 mm x 64 mm)
23.7 cu-in. (389 cc)
Bore x Stroke
Net HP Output
11 HP (8.2 kW) @3600 rpm
Approx. 1.72 U.S. Gallons
Fuel Tank Capacity
(6.5 Liters)
Unleaded Automobile Gasoline
86 Octane or higher
1.16 U.S. qt. (1.1 liter)
3.1 in. (78 mm)
Lube Oil Capacity
Speed Control Method
Engine Oil Capacity
Centrifugal Fly-weight Type
Dry Net Weight
Dimensions (L x W x H)
68.3 lbs. (31.0 Kg)
16.7 in. x 17.7 in. x 17.4 in
(425 mm x 450 mm x 443 mm).
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 17
General infOrMatiOn
inTenDeD uSe
power planTS
Operate the SP118 Saw, tools and components in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Use of
any other tools for stated operation is considered contrary
to designated use. The risk of such use lies entirely with the
user. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damages
as a result of misuse.
The SP118 saw is generally considered a "low" powered
saw in the industry. This classification is particularly
useful when selecting the proper diamond blade for an
This SP118 saw is powered by a HONDA GX390U1QWT2
air cooled, 4-stroke, single cylnder, OHV gasoline engine
rated at 11 HP (8.2 kW) at 3,600 RPM.
general inFormaTion
Refer to the HONDA Engine Owner's Manual for specific
information regarding engine operation and maintenance
The MQ SP118 Saws are designed for wet or dry cutting
of concrete or asphalt utilizing Diamond Blades. These
saws have been engineered for general and industrial flat
sawing applications.The reinforced steel box frame design
adds strength necessary to reduce blade vibrations while
cutting. By minimizing blade vibrations the performance
of the blade is enhanced and thus the life of the blade is
BlaDe roTaTion
Three premium 3VX belts connecting a properly sized drive
(engine) pulley and an output blade shaft pulley provides
the rotational power of the diamond blade. Specific pulley
diameters have been chosen to support the design of the
SP118 saw.
Heavy-duty front and rear axles, sturdy oversized wheels,
and industrial undercarriage assembly ensure accurate
tracking and years of reliable use.
Ultimate blade shaft RPM speed is very important for the
safe, efficient operation of the diamond blade in the cut.
Additionally, the general strength-to-weight ratio design
of the frame and chassis assembly provides for optimum
weight distribution to keep the blade running true in the cut.
A rugged spindle bearing assembly ensures minimal flutter
and shaft harmonics providing the most advantageous
condition for a diamond blade at operating speeds.
all Sp118 SawS are designed, engineered and
manufactured with strict adherence to american
national Standards institute, inc. (anSi) guidelines
B7.1 and B7.5.
This saw comes equipped with an 18-inch blade guard and
handles Diamond Blades ranging in size from 12-18-inches
in diameter.
„ Powerful HONDA GX390 Gasoline engine with cyclone
air filtration.
„ Adjustable Anti-Vibration Handle Bar.
„ Easy adjusting Raise/Lower System with Positive Depth
„ Infinite adjusting Depth Feed Gauge.
„ Over-center Lifting Bale.
„ Left or Right side sawing.
„ Hinged front Blade Guard.
„ Rugged Pointer Tracking Arm.
„ Super-rigid steel box frame.
„ Manual Wheel Brake.
Figure 2. SP118 Saw
„ Water delivery system for Left/Right hand sawing.
page 18 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
For quick reference, Figure 3 highlights basic features of
the SP118 Saw.
7. parking Brake — Mechanical clamping stop.
8. wheels — Heavy-duty roller wheel bearings with
grease fitting.
1. engine Stop Switch — Located on the handle bar,
easy toggle to STOP engine.
9. Flange Cover — Guard required for protection as the
flange rotates during operations.
2. anti-vibration Handle Bar — Assists in the harmonic
damping of the saw. Adjustable in height and collapses
flush against the saw frame for efficient storage.
10. Blade guard — Covers saw blade and flips up to allow
blade changes. Must be kept in place during sawing
3. water Connector — Standard garden hose connector
station to deliver cooling water to the blade.
11. Front pointer — Adjustable device to allow accurate
blade tracking during sawing operations.
4. wrench (1.5" Box-end) — Use when removing the
Blade Shaft Nut.
12. engine — HONDA GX390 Gasoline Engine with
Cyclone air filtration and oil alert systems.
5. latch — Raise/Lower mechanical STOP.
6. raise/lower Hand wheel — Clockwise to raise
blade out of cut — Counter-clockwise to lower blade
into cut .
13. lifting Bale — Over-center lifting point for safe
transportation of saw.
Figure 3. Components
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 19
baSic enGine
Figure 4. Engine Components
5. Fuel valve lever — open to let fuel flow, CloSe to
stop the flow of fuel.
The engine (Figure 4) must be checked for proper
lubrication and filled with fuel prior to operation. Refer to
the manufacturers engine manual for instructions & details
of operation and servicing.
6. Choke lever — Used in the starting of a cold engine,
or in cold weather conditions. The choke enriches the
fuel mixture.
1. Fuel Filler Cap — Remove this cap to add unleaded
gasoline to the fuel tank. Make sure cap is tightened
securely. Do noT over fill.
7. air Cleaner — Prevents dirt and other debris from
entering the fuel system. Remove wing-nut on top of
air filter cannister to gain access to filter element.
Adding fuel to the tank should be done
only when the engine is stopped and has
had an opportunity to cool down. In the
event of a fuel spill, Do noT attempt to
start the engine until the fuel residue has
been completely wiped up, and the area surrounding
the engine is dry.
Operating the engine without an air filter, with a
damaged air filter, or a filter in need of replacement
will allow dirt to enter the engine, causing rapid engine
8. Spark plug — Provides spark to the ignition system.
Clean spark plug once a month.
2. Throttle lever — Used to adjust engine RPM speed
(lever advanced forward Slow, lever back toward
operator FaST).
9. muffler — Used to reduce noise and emissions.
Engine components can generate extreme heat. To
prevent burns, Do noT touch these areas while the
engine is running or immediately after operating.never
operate the engine with the muffler removed.
3. engine on/oFF Switch —on position permits engine
starting, oFF position stops engine operations.
4. recoil Starter (pull rope) — Manual-starting method.
Pull the starter grip until resistance is felt, then pull
briskly and smoothly.
10. FuelTank — Holds unleaded gasoline. For additional
information refer to engine owner's manual.
page 20 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
1. Read and fully understand this manual, the safety
intructions in particular, and the engine manufacturer's
manual supplied with the saw.
Reference manufacturer engine manual for specific
servicing instructions.
2. Select the correct blade for each application. Refer to
the Blades and Blade Placement sections on pages
20 through 22 for further information.
3. Check blade for wear or damage. Handle all blades
with care and ALWAYS replace a damaged blade.
Clean the saw, removing dirt and dust, particularly the
engine cooling air inlet, carburetor and air cleaner.
4. Check the air filter for dirt and dust. Replace the air
filter if it is found to be dirty.
5. Check carburetor for external dirt and dust. Clean with
dry compressed air.
Figure 6. Oil Level
6. Check fastening nuts and bolts for tightness.
Table 5. oil Type
7. Ensure a suitable water supply is available, hooked
up, and used. (connected via garden hose or with an
optional water tank supply system).
oil Type
25oC or Higher
25oC ~ 10oC
SAE 10W-30
SAE 10W-30/20
SAE 10W-10
engine oil Check
25oC or Lower
1. To check the engine oil level, place the saw on
secure level ground with the engine stopped. The
frame platform must be level to accurately check the
engine oil.
Fuel Check
1. Remove the gasoline cap located on top of fuel tank.
2. Remove the filler dipstick from the engine oil filler hole
(Figure 5) and wipe it clean.
dangerous if mishandled. Do noT smoke
while refueling. Do noT attempt to refuel
the saw if the engine is hot! or running.
2. Visually inspect to see if fuel level is low. If fuel is low,
replenish with unleaded fuel.
3. When refueling, be sure to use a strainer for filtration.
Do noT top-off fuel. Wipe up any spilled fuel.
Figure 5. Engine Oil Dipstick (Removal)
3. Insert and remove the dipstick without screwing it
into the filler neck. Check the oil level shown on the
4. If the oil level is low (Figure 6), fill to the edge of the
oil filler hole with the recommended oil type (Table 5).
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 21
guards and Covers
v-Belt Check
A worn or damaged V-belt can adversely affect the
performance of the saw. If a V-belt is defective or worn,
replace ALL theV-belts. V-belts should always be replaced
in sets.
never operate the saw without blade
guards and covers in place. Do noT
operate with the front of the blade guard
raised. The blade exposure cannot exceed
180 degrees during operation. Adhere to
the safety guidelines or other applicable local regulations.
never attempt to check the V-belt with
the engine running. Severe injury can
occur. Keep fingers, hands, hair, and
clothing away from all moving parts.
v-Belt alignment and Tensioning
This saw is equipped with premium V-belts that have been
aligned and tensioned by factory personnel. The V-belt
must be aligned and tensioned for proper operation of the
Use the following procedure to check the alignment of
1. Remove the bolts that secure the V-belt cover (Figure
8) to the saw frame.
Figure 7. Blade Guard (Right-side mounting)
Blade guard inspection
CHeCK the following on the Blade guard (Figure 7)
„ Ensure the water feed tubes are properly positioned to
permit water flow to both sides fo the diamond blade.
„ Check that the guard is bolted firmly upon the saw
„ Check that the spring tensioned front cover of the guard
is firmly seated with the rear section of the guard and
there are no gaps. never lift the blade guard while
engine is running.
Figure 8. V-Belt Cover
enSure the v-Belt Cover is in place and securely
fastened during operation of the saw (Figure 8).
2. Check uniform parallelism (Figure 9) of V-belt and
pulley (sheaves). Use a straight-edge or machinist's
square against both pulleys and adjust both pulleys
until equally aligned.
page 22 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
3. Check V-belt tension by using a tension meter (3.0
lbs./1.36Kg) against the inside belt at a mid point
between the two pulleys, or by deflecting the center
belt at a mid point 3/16" (5 mm).
SpeCiFiC ToolS To Be uSeD
This saw is to use tools (blades) as follows:
„ Steel Core Segmented or Continuous Diamond Rim
Cutting Wheel.
Any other type of tool is not to be used. See Table 6 for
specific blade usage for material.
Failure to thoroughly inspect the diamond
blade (Figure 10) for operational safety
could result in damage to the blade or
the saw, and may cause injury to the user
or others in the operating area. Discard
damaged or worn blades and replace with fresh
Figure 9. V-Belt Alignment
4. Do noT over or under tighten the V-belts. Severe
damage can occur to the saw and engine crankshaft
if the belt is over-tensioned. A decrease of power to
the blade and poor performance will result if the belt
is under-tensioned (loose on pulleys).
V-belt alignment must be rechecked after adjusting
belt tension.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 23
Figure 10 highlights the components of a diamond blade.
5. Diamond Segment or rim – Ensure there are no
cracks, dings, or missing portions of the diamond
segment/rim. Do noT use a blade that is missing
a segment or a portion of the rim. Damaged and/
or missing segments/rims may cause damage to your
saw, and injury to the user or others in the operating
6. Specifications – Ensure that the blade specifications,
size, and diameter properly match up to the sawing
operation. Wet blades must have water to act as
a coolant. Utilizing a diamond blade not matched
properly to the task may result in poor performance
and/or blade damage.
7. arbor Hole – It is essential that the arbor hole diameter
properly matches the shaft arbor, and that it is free
from distortions. Correct blade flanges (collars) must
be used. The inside face of the flanges must be clean
& free of debris. An out of round arbor condition will
cause damage to the blade and the saw.
Figure 10. Diamond Blade
8. maX rpm –This RPM reference is the maximum safe
operating speed for the blade selected.never exceed
the max RPM on the diamond blade. Exceeding
the MAX RPM is dangerous, and may cause poor
performance and may damage the blade. All blades
used must be designed for the maximum spindle
1. Drive pin Hole – A commonly located hole on the
diamond blade core that prevents operational blade
slippage between the inner & outer blade flanges
(collars). Inspect the diameter of the hole to ensure
there is no distortion, and that a snug fit develops
between the hole and drive pin.
2. Stress relief Holes (gullets) – Check the steel core
for cracks that may have propagated from the slots and/
or gullets.Cracks indicate extreme fatigue failure and if
sawing continues, catastrophic failure will occur.
3. edge ofThe Steel Core – Check the diameter edge for
discoloration (blue oxidation) indicating an overheating
condition caused by insufficient cooling water/air.
Overheating of blades may lead to loss of core tension
and/or increase the possibility for blade failure. Check
to make sure the steel core’s width is uniform about
the rim of the blade, and not succumbing to an “under
cutting” condition brought about by highly abrasive
material or improper under cutting core protection.
4. Directional arrow – Check to ensure that the blade is
oriented properly on the spindle for sawing. Reference
the directional arrow on the blade and place it so the
direction of rotation “downcuts” with the turn of the
page 24 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Table 6. material listing and Blade Selection
Cured Concrete
Green Concrete
Cured Concrete Blade
Green Concrete Blade
Asphalt Blade
Asphalt over Concrete
Asphalt/Concrete Blade
Block, Brick, Masonry, Refractories
Tile, Ceramic, Stone
Masonry Blade
Tile Blade
A diamond blade’s performance is directly connected to
specific peripheral (rim) speeds.
Diamond Blades
Selecting the diamond blade type and grade defines how
the blade will perform both in cutting speed and blade life.
Selection of the proper diamond blade consists of:
The following shaft rotational speeds have been factory set
to ensure optimum blade performance:
• SP118 18” Capacity - 2,836 RPM.
BlaDe plaCemenT
„ Material to be Cut
„ Type of Saw Being Used
„ Horsepower of Saw
„ Hardness Characteristics of the Material
„ Performance Expectations
Factors for sawing economy:
„ Type of Blade
Failure to thoroughly inspect the diamond
blade for operational safety could result in
damage to the blades or the saw and may
cause injury to the user or others in the
operating area.
„ Depth of Cut
Refer to Figure 11 for the following steps.
„ Sawing Speed
1. engine oFF — Set the ENGINE ON/OFF switches
to the "oFF" position to prevent accidental starting.
„ Characteristics of the Material Being Cut
Blade Speed
2. Blade guard — Pivot the blade guard front cover all
the way back. The guard tension spring will keep the
front cover in position.
Operating saw blades at rotational speeds
greater than those specified by the
manufacture can cause blade damage,
and may injure the user or others in the
operating area.
3. Blade Hex nut — Unscrew the spindle nut (right side
loosens clockwise and tightens counter-clockwise while
the left side loosens counter-clockwise and tightens
clockwise.DO NOT overtighten the nut (approximately
45-50 ft. lb/61-68 N/m) when finalizing the assembly.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 25
4. outside Blade Flange (Collar) — Ensure that the
outside blade flange is placed flush against the
diamond blade. The inside surface of the flange must
be free of debris and permit a tight closure on the
surface of the blade core.
Dropping or forcing the blade onto the
cutting surface can severely damage the
diamond blade and may cause serious
damage to the saw and bodily harm.
5. Diamond Blade — Ensure that the proper diamond
blade has been selected for the job. Pay close attention
to the directional arrows on the blade. The blade's
operating directional arrows must point in a "down-
cutting" direction to perform correctly. When placing
the blade onto the spindle, ensure the arbor hole of the
blade matches the diameter of the shaft.
Blade removal and replacement
1. Set the ENGINE ON/OFF switches to
the oFF position to prevent accidental
6. inner Flange (Collar) — This flange is fixed upon the
spindle. The inside surface of the flange must be free
of debris and permit a tight closure on the surface of
the blade.
2. Place the saw on a stable level working surface.
3. Ensure the blade is raised and the raise/lower crank
is locked into position.
When removing or installing a diamond blade, please
note that the blade retaining nuts are left and right-hand
4. Lift up the blade guard cover to gain access to the
Figure 12. Mounting the Diamond Blade
Figure 11. Blade Placement
5. Use the provided blade nut and spindle locking
wrenches to remove and install the blade. (Figure 12)
Incorrectly installed blades can cause
damage to the blade or equipment or
cause injury due to breakage.
6. Unscrew the spindle nut (right side loosens clockwise
and tightens counter-clockwise while the left side
loosens counter-clockwise and tightens clockwise).
DO NOT overtighten the nut (approximately 45-50 ft.
lb/61-68 N/m) when finalizing the assembly.
page 26 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
raiSe/lOwer anD DeptH StOp
Figure 13 highlights the components of the Raise/Lower
Depth Stop Assembly.
5. Position Depth Indicator Ring to "0".
6. Depth Guage Friction Knob can be adjusted as
necessary using locknut inside of console.
7. The Diamond Blade is now oriented.
Raise/Lower Wheel
Depth Gauge
8. The Depth Indicator Ring now refernces the depth of
Friction Knob
Depth Stop Latch
9. Once the blade is at the desired depth during sawing
operations, position the Depth Stop Latch within the
Raise/Lower Wheel.
ACME Thread Assy.
Figure 13. Raise/Lower Depth Stop
Calibrating the Desired Depth of Cut
The SP118 provides for infinite depth adjustment with
Diamond Blades 12" thru 18" in diameter.
Figure 15. Setting Depth Stop
1. Turn Engine to off.
2. Place saw on level ground.
3. Select Diamond Blade and mount the blade according
to Figure 12.
4. Lower the blade so it just touches the surface.
Figure 14. Lowering Blade for Depth of Cut
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 27
NEVER operate the saw in a confined area
or enclosed structure that does not provide
an ample free flow of air.
DO NOT attempt to operate the saw until this manual
has been read and thoroughly understood. Engine
operating steps may vary. See included engine
manufacturer's operating manual.
never place hands or feet inside the belt
guard or blade guard while the engine is
running. alwaYS shut the engine down
before performing any kind of maintenance
service on the saw
Ensure the work area is clear of tools, debris, and
unauthorized people.
The Engine Stop Switch located on the handlebar
(Figure 16) serves both as an Emergency Engine
Shut-Off and as the primary ON/OFF switch. This
allows the operator to shutdown the saw safely away
from moving parts.
ALWAYS wear approved eye and hearing
protection while operating the saw.
1. Keep Wheel Clamp applied (lever DOWN) until
completely ready for cutting operation.
(Emergency Stop
and Primary ON/OFF)
(Secondary ON/OFF)
Figure 17. Parking Brake
2. Ensure the diamond blade has been mounted correctly
and that it is raised above the surface you are about
to saw.
3. Place the fuel valve lever (Figure 18) to the "ON"
Figure 16. Engine Stop Switches
page 28 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
The CLOSED position of the choke lever enriches the
fuel mixture for starting a COLD engine. The OPEN
position provides the correct fuel mixture for normal
operation after starting, and for restarting a warm
Figure 18. Engine Fuel Valve Lever
4. Place the ENGINE ON/OFF switch located on the
ENGINE (Figure 19) in the "ON" position. Place the
ENGINE ON/OFF switch located on the HANDLEBARS
(Figure 20) in the "ON" (center) position.
Figure 21. Choke Lever
The engine speed has been set at the factory.
Changing the governor speed could damage the blade
and/or the saw.
Figure 19. Engine ON/OFF Switch (On Engine)
6. Rotate the throttle lever (Figure 22) halfway between
fast and slow for starting. All sawing is done at full
throttle. The engine governor speed is factory set to
ensure optimum blade operating speeds.
Figure 20. Engine ON/OFF Switch (On
5. Place the Choke Lever (Figure 21) in the "CLOSED"
Figure 22. Throttle Lever
7. Grasp the starter grip (Figure 23) and slowly pull it out.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 29
point. Pull the starter grip briskly and smoothly for
• ALWAYS cut with the saw at FULL THROTTLE.
Attempting to cut with the saw at less than full throttle
could cause the blade to bind or stop abruptly in the
slab resulting in serious injury to the operator or
others in the area.
DO NOT pull the starter rope all the way to the end.
DO NOT release the starter rope after pulling. Allow it
to rewind as soon as possible.
• ALWAYS keep clear of rotating or moving parts while
operating this equipment.
• Ensure the cutting area is clear of tools, debris, and
unauthorized people.
• DO NOT try to cut faster than the blade will allow.
Cutting too fast will cause the blade to rise up out of
the cut. Improper cutting rate can decrease the life
of the engine and blades.
• Engine components and the blade can get
EXTREMELY HOT! during operation. ALWAYS
allow the engine and blade to cool before handling
or servicing.
Figure 23. Starter Grip
• Whenever the saw is not in operation or being moved
or transported, apply the wheel clamp brakes to
prevent unwanted displacement.
8. If the engine has started, slowly return the choke lever
(Figure 21) to the "OPEN" position. If the engine has
not started repeat steps 1 through 7.
9. Before the saw is placed into operation, run the engine
for several minutes. Check for fuel leaks, and noises
that could be associated with loose guards and/or
Mark the cutting line clearly and always saw in a
The Engine Stop Switch located on the handlebar
(Figure 16) serves both as an Emergency Engine
Shut-Off and as the primary ON/OFF switch. This
allows the operator to shutdown the saw safely away
from moving parts.
page 30 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
1. Connect the saw to your water source and start the
engine as described in the previous section.
reSTarTing aFTer inTervenTion
If cutting is interrupted where the engine stops or is turned
off while the blade is still in the cut:
2. Rotate the throttle lever (Figure 22) to full throttle.
3. Turn the water valve to start the flow of water and
ensure sufficient water supply is directed to both sides
of the diamond blade.
1. Turn Engine Off switches to oFF
2. Raise the blade out of the cut
3. Restart the engine as described in the previous
4. Release Parking Brake by pulling Lever UP.
4. Recheck the integrity of the diamond blade.
The only acceptable method for freeing a stuck blade
is to remove the saw from the stuck or pinched blade.
DO NOT try to get the blade unstuck using the Raise/
Lower system or by lifting the saw by the lifting bale, etc.
Figure 24. Parking Brake
If cutting is interrupted where the blade is stuck in the cut:
1. Turn Engine Off switches to oFF.
5. To begin sawing, rotate the Raise/Lower Wheel until
the desired depth is referenced on the Depth Indicator
2. Remove the blade guard.
6. When the blade has reached the desired depth of cut,
flip the Depth Stop Latch down into position within the
Raise/Lower Wheel.
3. Remove blade mounting bolt and outer flange.
4. Maneuver the saw away from the stuck blade.
7. Walk the saw slowly forward at a rate that permits
the diamonds to grind without losing optimum blade
5. A parallel cut made next to the blade may be necessary
to free it.
6. Once the blade is freed inspect the blade for damage;
discard if damaged.
8. When cutting is complete, turn the engine OFF
handlebars and wait for the blade to stop rotating.
7. Ensure an undamaged, useable blade is installed on
the saw before cutting is resumed with that saw.
9. Set the engine ON/OFF switch to the OFF position.
10. Place the water valve in the OFF position (as
11. Push the Parking Brake Lever downward to apply
braking pressure to the wheels.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 31
Maintenance (Saw)
See the engine manual supplied with
your machine for appropriate engine
guide for problems.
alwaYS allow the engine to cool
before servicing. never attempt any
maintenance work on a hot! engine.
General maintenance practices are crucial to the
performance and longevity of your saw. The extreme
environments of sawing operations require routine cleaning,
lubrication, belt tensioning, and inspection for wear and
Front pointer adjustment
The front pointer wheel has been set at the factory. Use
these procedures only if the pointer is suspect of being
out of alignment.
1. Chalk out a straight line on the prepared slab or cutting
The following procedures devoted to maintenance can
prevent serious saw damage or malfunctioning.
2. Use a straight-edge or level by placing it flat against
the blade.
Some maintenance operations may
require the engine to be run. Ensure that
the maintenance area is well ventilated.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon
monoxide gas that can cause of unconsciousness and
may result in DEATH.
3. Adjust the front pointer wheel so it just touches the side
of the straight-edge or level.
4. Remove the straight-edge or level.
5. Position the front pointer and blade directly over the
chalk line.
6. Start the saw and lower the blade onto the chalk line.
7. Begin cutting and make sure the blade follows the chalk
line as closely as possible.
never place hands or feet inside the belt
guard or blade guard while the engine is
8. The pointer should follow the chalk line as well.If it does
not, adjust the pointer by loosening then tightening the
jam nuts on the pointer until the pointer follows the
same path as the blade.
Before servicing or inspection, alwaYS
park the saw on a level surface with the
blade removed, and the handlebar Engine
ON/OFF switch and Engine ON/OFF
switch in “OFF” position.
Chassis lubrication
„ Spindle Bearings -Two zerk fittings are located up under
the lower-front of the saw. Lubricate before daily use.
Use a good quality extreme pressure grease. Check
and lubricate more often if unit is under heavy use. Do
not overfill bearings. Overfilling can damage the grease
seals. This can result in bearing exposure to dirt and
contaminants which can then shorten the life of the
bearings. Excess grease can also drip onto the cutting
„ Removing or installing blades
„ Adjusting front or rear pointers
„ Lubricating any components
„ Removing engine mounting bolts
„ Inspecting, adjusting or replacing drivebelt, spindle,
spindle bearings or any engine part
general Cleanliness
„ Removing blade or belt guards
Clean the machine daily. Remove all dust and slurry build
up. If the saw is steam cleaned, ensure that lubrication is
accomplished AFTER steam cleaning operations.
page 32 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
Maintenance (enGine)
general engine Care
engine check
Running the engine with a low oil level can cause
engine damage.
Check daily for any oil and/or fuel leakage, thread nut and
bolt tightness, and overall cleanliness.
Engine air filter
Dispose of used oil properly. Do noT pour used oil on
the ground, down a drain, or throw in the trash. Used
oil can generally be taken to your local recycling center
or service station for reclamation. Follow all required
environmental rules and regulations required in your
area concerning the disposal of hazardous waste such
as used oil and oil filters.
Replace air filter if dirty. See Engine Owner’s Manual for
detailed information.
engine oil
Check daily. Inspect with blade removed and saw frame
level on a level surface.Keep the oil clean, and at the proper
servicing level (Figure 6). Do noT overFill! SAE 10W-
30 of SG is recommended for general use.
engine tank and strainer
Clean every year/or 300 hours.
engine oil change
Fuel line
Change engine oil the first month or 20 hours of operation.
Then every 3 months/or 50 HOURS of operation. See
Engine Owner’s Manual for detailed information.
Replace every two years/or as necessary.
Spark plug
Drain the used oil while the engine is warm by the following
Clean/adjust every 6 months/or 100 hours. Replace every
year/ or 300 hours.
Refer to Figure 25.
1. Place an oil pan or suitable container below the engine
drain plug to catch the used oil.
2. Remove the filler cap/dipstick and the drain plug.
3. Drain the oil completely and reinstall the drain plug.
Ensure the drain plug is tightened securely.
4. Make sure the engine is in a level position and fill to the
outer edge of the oil filler hole with the recommended
oil (see Table 5.) Engine oil capacity is 1.16 US quart
(1.1 liter).
5. Screw in the filler cap/dipstick securely.
Figure 25. Engine Oil Change
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 33
DecOMMiSSiOninG/water tanK (OptiOnal)
DeCommiSSioning Saw/ComponenTS
waTerTanK KiT (opTion)
Decommissioning is a controlled process used to safely
retire a piece of equipment that is no longer serviceable.
If the equipment poses an unacceptable and unrepairable
safety risk due to wear or damage or is no longer cost
effective to maintain, (beyond life-cycle reliability) and is
to be decommissioned, (demolition and dismantlement),
the following procedure must take place:
An optional water tank kit, (P/N SP1WK) is available for use
with the SP118 Saw. See assembly instruction sheet p/n
38265 for the assembly of the kit onto your saw.
The illustration shown below is provided for reference.
6. Drain all fluids completely. These may include oil,
gasoline, hydraulic oil and antifreeze. Dispose of
properly in accordance with local and governmental
regulations. Never pour on ground or dump down
drains or sewers.
7. Remove battery (if applicable) and bring to appropriate
facility for lead reclamation. Use safety precautions
when handling batteries that contain sulfuric acid,
8. The remainder can be brought to a salvage yard or
metal reclamation facility for further dismantling.
5/16 x 1”
5/16 x 1”
5/16 x 3/4”
Figure 26. Water Tank Kit (Option)
page 34 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
trOubleSHOOtinG (Saw)
Certain operations referred to in this troubleshooting
section such as re-seating valves or replacing piston
rings may require special tools and must be performed
by trained and competent personnel.
Table 7. Blade Troubleshooting
possible problem
Consult dealer or Multiquip for correct blade.
Try cutting very soft material (sandstone,
silica, brick, cinder block) to “redress” the
Blade too hard for the material being cut?
Engine torque diminished because of loose
Tighten and/or replace V-belts.
Blade slows or stops cutting.
Check throttle setting. Check engine
Insufficient engine power?
Check that the blade is properly oriented
and rotational arrow points in a down-cutting
Improper direction of rotation?
Check that the blade and flange pins are
properly installed on the bladeshaft.
Blade is slipping on the bladeshaft?
Blade being used on misaligned saw?
Check bladeshaft bearings and alignment
Check specification of the blade with
the material being cut. Consult dealer or
Multiquip for information.
Blade is excessively hard for the material
being cut?
Blade does not cut straight and/or true.
Ensure blade surface feet per minute speed
(SFPM) is approximately 6,000.
Blade being used at improper RPM?
Blade improperly mounted on arbor
shoulders and flanges?
Ensure blade is proerly affixed on the
Excessive force applied to blade while
DO NOT force the blade in the cut. Apply a
slow and steady pace when sawing.
Consult dealer or Multiquip for correct blade.
Try cutting very soft material (sandstone,
silica, brick, cinder block) to “redress” the
Blade too hard for the material being cut?
Blade improperly mounted on arbor
shoulders and flanges?
Ensure blade is proerly affixed on the
Ensure proper flow and volume of water is
provided for wet cutting blades.
Blade not receiving enough cooling water?
Arbor hole out of round?
Blade discoloring, crackling and/or wearing
Ensure blade is properly affixed on the
Check specification of the blade with
the material being cut. Consult dealer or
Multiquip for information.
Incorrect blade chosen for material being
Excessive force applied to blade while
DO NOT force the blade in the cut. Apply a
slow and steady pace when sawing.
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 35
trOubleSHOOtinG (enGine)
Table 8. Troubleshooting (engine)
possible problem
Spark plug bridging?
Carbon deposit on spark plug?
Check gap, insulation or replace spark plug.
Clean or replace spark plug.
Difficult to start, “fuel is
available, but no spark at
spark plug.”
Short circuit due to deficient spark plug insulation? Check spark plug insulation, replace if worn.
Improper spark plug gap?
Set to proper gap.
Ignition coil defective?
Replace ignition coil.
ON/OFF switch is shorted?
Improper spark gap, points dirty?
Condenser insulation worn or short circuiting?
Spark plug wire broken or short circuiting?
Wrong fuel type?
Check switch wiring, replace switch.
Set correct spark gap and clean points.
Replace condenser.
Difficult to start, “fuel is
available and spark is present
at the spark plug.”
Replace defective spark plug wiring.
Flush fuel system and replace with correct type of fuel.
Flush fuel system.
Difficult to start, “fuel is
available, spark is present and
compression is normal.”
Water or dust in fuel system?
Air cleaner dirty?
Replace air cleaner.
Choke open?
Close choke.
Suction/exhaust valve stuck or protruded?
Piston ring and/or cylinder worn?
Re-seat valves.
Replace piston rings and/or piston.
Difficult to start, “fuel is
available, spark is present and
compression is low.”
Cylinder head and/or spark plug not tightened
Torque cylinder head bolts and spark plug.
Head gasket and/or spark plug gasket damaged? Replace head and/or spark plug gaskets.
Fuel not available in fuel tank (tank empty)?
Fuel filter clogged?
Fill with correct type of fuel.
Replace fuel filter.
No fuel present at the
Fuel tank cap breather hole clogged?
Air in fuel tank?
Clean or replace fuel tank cap.
Bleed fuel line.
Air cleaner not clean?
Replace air cleaner.
Check float adjustment
Improper fuel level in carburetor?
“Weak in power,” compression
is proper and does not misfire.
Rebuild carburetor.
Defective spark plug?
Clean or replace spark plug.
Set to proper gap.
Improper spark plug gap?
Water in fuel system?
Flush fuel system and replace with correct fuel type.
Replace ignition coil.
Weak in power,” compression
is proper but misfires.
Ignition coil defective?
Dirty spark plug?
Clean or replace spark plug.
Flush fuel system and replace with correct fuel type.
Replace with correct type of spark plug.
Clean cooling fins.
Wrong fuel type?
Engine overheats.
Spark plug heat value improper?
Cooling fins dirty?
Governor adjusted correctly?
Governor spring defective or missing?
Fuel flow restricted?
Adjust governor.
Rotational speed fluctuates.
Recoil starter malfunction?
Replace governor spring.
Check entire fuel system for leaks or clogs.
Clean recoil assembly with soap and water.
Replace spiral spring.
Recoil mechanism clogged with dust and dirt?
Spiral spring loose?
page 36 — Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12)
cOnfOrMity certificateS
MULTIQUIP, INC. hereby declares that the machine(s) designated as SP118 conforms to the following:
1. American National Standards Institute - This machine has engineered and designed to fully comply with the
requirements set forth in American Standards Institute (ANSI) B7.1-2000,“ Safety Requirements for the Use,
Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels”.
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212 642 4900
FAX: 212 398 0023
2.California Air Resources Board (CARB) -This machine is defined as a preempt Off-Road Application as related
to the CARB standards. Within Construction Equipment; specifically as a Concrete Saw with engine power less
than 19kW (25HP), CARB standards do not apply to this machine.
3.European Union (EU) - For members of the European Union (EU), this machine is designed to meet the following
EU directives and standards:
Declaration of Conformity:
„ LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT directive (73/23/EEC).
in accordance with the EU standards EN 50081/1 and EN 55022
„ NOISE directive (2000/14/EEC) in accordance with EU Standards EN ISO 3744.
Vice President of Manufacturing
J. Arnswald
310-537-3700 800-421-1244
FAX: 310-537-3927
Sp118 pavemenT Saw • operaTion manual — rev. #1 (05/03/12) — page 37
OperatiOn Manual
United StateS
Multiquip Corporate Office
MQ Parts Department
18910 Wilmington Ave.
Carson, CA 90746
Contact: mq@multiquip.com
Tel. (800) 421-1244
Fax (800) 537-3927
Fax: 800-672-7877
Fax: 310-637-3284
Service Department
Warranty Department
Fax: 310-537-4259
Fax: 310-943-2238
Fax: 310-943-2249
Technical Assistance
United Kingdom
MQ Cipsa
Multiquip (UK) Limited Head Office
Carr. Fed. Mexico-Puebla KM 126.5
Momoxpan, Cholula, Puebla 72760 Mexico
Contact: pmastretta@cipsa.com.mx
Tel: (52) 222-225-9900
Unit 2, Northpoint Industrial Estate, Tel: 0161 339 2223
Fax: (52) 222-285-0420 Globe Lane,
Dukinfield, Cheshire SK16 4UJ
Contact: sales@multiquip.co.uk
Fax: 0161 339 3226
4110 Industriel Boul.
Laval, Quebec, Canada H7L 6V3
Contact: jmartin@multiquip.com
Tel: (450) 625-2244
Tel: (877) 963-4411
Fax: (450) 625-8664
Multiquip Inc, the MQ logo are registered trademarks of Multiquip Inc. and may not be used, reproduced, or altered without written permission. All other trademarks are the property
of their respective owners and used with permission.
This manual MUsT accompany the equipment at all times. This manual is considered a permanent part of the equipment and should remain with the unit if resold.
The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approval for printing. Illustrations, descriptions, references and technical data contained in
this manual are for guidance only and may not be considered as binding. Multiquip Inc. reserves the right to discontinue or change specifications, design or the information published
in this publication at any time without notice and without incurring any obligations.
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