Neuros Audio MP3 Player MP3 DiGITAL AUDIO COMPUTER User Manual |
Table of Contents
Tour of the Player
Neuros, Your Music Frequency
Quick Start Instructions
Package Contents
System Requirements
Releasing the Backpack
Neuros Synchronization Manager Application
Installation Instructions
Importing Music to the Neuros Sync Manager
Navigating Neuros
Managing, Playing and Exploring Audio
MyFi: Broadcast Neuros through any FM radio
Listening to the Neuros FM Radio
HiSi (Hear it! Save it!): Discover New Music on the Radio
Making Recordings
PC Library
Firmware and Software Updates
Support Information
Important Safety Information
FCC Rules and Regulations
Neuros, Your Music Frequency
Congratulations, you have purchased the world’s first digital audio computer.
Your Neuros MP3 digital audio computer lets you listen, explore and enjoy music in ways not possible
before. Experience these unique features:
MyFi “My Frequency”: broadcast your digital music through any FM radio.
See p.14 for detailed information.
HiSi “Hear It! Save It!”: identify new music with a click of the orange HiSi button.
See p.17 for detailed information.
Neuros Synchronization: Neuros’ software synchronizes your Neuros with automatic
downloads from your PC Audio Library and Internet music services.
Record to MP3: create digital recordings in the MP3 file format from FM radio, built-in
microphone, or audio input.
Other important features include: large backlit display; digitally enhanced FM tuner, flexible design
with removable backpack to accommodate new technology without having to buy an entire new unit;
automatic software and firmware updates for new features and file formats.
Quick Start Instructions
1. Charge the battery. Connect the wall power adapter to the power connector on the bottom of your
Neuros and begin charging battery. For best performance, charge battery for 8 hours at first use to give
it a full charge. You can use the Neuros while it is charging.
2. Power On. Press-and-hold the Play button to power on/off Neuros.
3. Install Neuros Synchronization (Sync) Manager application. Use the included CD-ROM to install the
Neuros Synchronization Manager application on your PC and set up user preferences.
4. Connect your Neuros. Your Neuros must be connected to complete the PC application installation and
to begin transferring music. Connect the supplied USB cable to your Neuros and to the USB port on
your computer to begin synchronization.
5. Import music. With the Neuros Sync Manager application open, from the File menu use the
“Search Computer for Music” function to import your music files into the Neuros Sync Manager.
6. Synchronize. Select the tracks you would like to transfer to the device and click the “Add to Neuros”
and then click the synchronization icon
on the Neuros Sync Manager. While synchroniza-
tion is in process your Neuros is not operational. Once the “synchronization completed successfully”
message from the Neuros Sync manager and the “do not disconnect” message disappears from the
Neuros display, you may safely disconnect from the USB.
7. Enjoy your music anywhere! Plug in earphones to listen to your Neuros privately or broadcast your
music through any FM radio. See p.14 for detailed information and instructions for Neuros MyFi.
latest enhancements and upgrades.
Package Contents
Everything you need to get started! For additional accessories see Neuros Gear at
Neuros MP3 digital audio computer, 128MB or Neuros HD 20GB
Neuros Earphones
Wall Power Adapter
USB Cable
Belt Clip (Neuros 128MB only)
Car Power Adapter (Neuros HD 20GB only)
Neuros Synchronization Manager Application
Neuros User’s Guide
Car Power Adapter
Wall Power Adapter
USB Cable
Belt Clip
The rechargeable, non-replaceable batteries provide 10 hours of continuous playback. The batteries
in the Neuros and Neuros HD do not suffer from the “memory effect” and actually benefit from the
avoidance of full-discharge conditions, so feel free to keep the Neuros plugged in whenever convenient.
Minimum System Requirements
PC with 1 available USB port
Pentium 233 MHz
64 RAM
160MB available hard disk space
Microsoft® Windows 98SE, Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Releasing the Backpack
The two-part design of the Neuros, main unit (silver) and backpack (black), allows for easy upgrades and
new technology adoption by developing new backpacks. Currently, the Neuros 128MB backpack can be
swapped for the 20GB Hard Drive backpack for an instant upgrade from a Flash player to a hard drive.
To release the main unit (silver) from the backpack (black), press and hold the backpack release lever
(to the left of the power connector) with a finger from one hand. With the other hand, press down
from the top of the main unit to remove the main unit.
To re-insert the main unit, press it into the backpack leaving about 1/4'' of space from the top of the
backpack. Once the main unit is level with the sides of the backpack (and the bottom of the device is
also pressed against the backpack), slide it upwards until it clicks into place.
Check your Neuros from the bottom to make sure that there is no space between the Neuros main
unit and the backpack.
Neuros Synchronization Manager Application
The Neuros Synchronization Manager is your essential tool for automatic synchronization from your
PC to your Neuros, and from your Neuros to your PC. You must launch the application to initiate
automatic synchronization.
With the Neuros Synchronization Manager you can:
Transfer your music stored on your hard drive for playback through your Neuros.
Import songs and playlists from many popular media players, including MusicMatch, WinAmp and
Zinf, and transfer to Neuros.
Manage and organize your songs and recordings.
Edit your ID3 tags.
Create playlists to transfer to Neuros.
Copy and name mixes and recordings that were created on Neuros.
Identify title and artist of HiSi samples.
Automatically update software and firmware.
Installation Instructions
1. Install application by inserting the Neuros Synchronization Manager CD-ROM and follow the onscreen
installation instructions. If installation screens do not automatically appear, view CD contents through
Windows Explorer and click the “Setup” icon. The installation will take a few minutes. The PC will
prompt you to reboot to complete installation, select “yes.” Installation will start automatically after
reboot, and prompt screens will walk you through to completion.
2. Connect to Neuros via the USB cable provided. Your Neuros must be connected to your PC to set user
preferences and to synchronize.
3. Open your Neuros Sync Manager application. With Neuros connected to your PC, you will be
prompted to complete your user preferences. Enter in your user name as you would like it to appear
in the application.
4. Complete User Preferences. Your serial number should automatically be filled in user preferences. If not,
click “Get ID” (your Neuros must be connected via USB for the application to read your serial number).
A default path has been set for the folder location to store the HiSi samples and recordings that you
make on the Neuros. Click OK to complete.
5. You will be prompted to register. Registration is required to use the Neuros HiSi song
identification feature. Your registration profile will also be available to you when you login at, where you can participate in user forums and learn about new features
and partners.
6. You can now begin loading music into the Neuros Sync Manager. See the next section,
“Importing Music” (p. 8).
Note: The CD-ROM includes USB drivers specifically for Windows 98SE. Neuros uses the default USB driv-
ers that come with the other (Me, 2000, and XP) Windows operating systems.
Importing Music to the Neuros Sync Manager
1. Install Neuros Sync Manager application as explained on p.7.
2. From the file menu, choose “Search computer for music” and identify
the directories/files you would like to transfer songs from. Another option
is to open a folder using Windows Explorer and drag and drop songs
into the Tracks window. Album, Artist and Genre information will be
automatically loaded.
3. Playlists can be imported from other media players or created in the Neuros
This Windows-based appli-
cation enables scans of
Sync Manager. Import playlists by selecting “Import Music from Media
Player” from the File menu. Neuros Sync Manager will search your computer
and produce a dialog box where you can check the boxes for the playlists
you want to import. Click the “Import” button. Neuros will import playlists
with the following extensions: *.asx, *.wpl, *.m3u,*.b4s and *.pls.
your hard drive for stored
MP3 files and M3U files
(playlist files) from popular
media player software like
Music Match.
These formats are used by the following players:
Zinf (
Winamp (
MusicMatch (
Windows Media Player (included in the Windows O/S)
4. To create a new playlist, click on the create new playlists icon
or right-click playlists
. When
the dialog box appears, fill in a name for the playlist and a description. Your playlist’s name will then
appear in the list of playlists. You can then add tracks to your new playlist dragging titles or choosing
“add to playlist” using a right-click.
5. Songs can be played through your default audio player by right-clicking the track and selecting “Play”.
Transferring Music to Your Neuros
Once your tracks are organized to your satisfaction in the Neuros Sync Manager, select the songs and
playlists you would like to transfer to your Neuros. Right-click the selection and choose the option
“Send to Neuros” from the menu, or click this icon
in the toolbar.
2. Click the Synchronization icon
or choose “Synchronization” from the Tools menu to activate
transfer. Once the “synchronization completed successfully” message from the Neuros Sync Manager
appears and the “do not disconnect” message disappears from your Neuros display, you can safely
disconnect the USB.
Detailed instructions and additional information can be found through the help screens and index in the
Neuros Synchronization Manager.
Navigating Neuros
Easy to use menus and thumb-controlled main navigation button allows for
one-finger navigation of the Neuros digital audio computer.
• Click Up and Down to scroll within a menu.
• Click Select to move to a new menu.
• Click Back to return to a previous menu.
Neuros also uses a pop-up menu called Xi
(Extra Information Menu) to give
Navigation Button
you shortcuts to player functions. When you see the Xi icon, click the Select button
and the pop-up menu will appear. Click Up and Down to scroll through these
menus in the same way as all the others. Click Select for your menu choice.
Some Xi menu options include:
Play – playback of song or playlist.
Info – more information about a song (title, artist, album).
Add to My Mix – adds the song to the playlist you create on Neuros.
Shuffle – plays songs in a random order.
Repeat – plays the song or selected songs repeatedly.
Remove – remove songs from playlists. Does not remove the song
from your Neuros or PC, just the playlist.
Song Xi Menu
Delete – delete songs from your Neuros or from your PC’s hard drive.
Managing, Playing and Exploring Audio
Play songs and recordings with a click of the Play button, create custom “mixes” on the fly, schedule
downloads from your PC library collection, and manage the tracks on your Neuros. You can even explore
audio from Internet music services.
Neuros Menu Overview
There are two audio menu options:
1. Neuros Audio: list of all the tracks loaded on your Neuros and available
for playback.
2. PC Library: list of all the tracks stored on your PC but not loaded on your
Neuros. Because the library does not contain the actual media, songs
in the PC Library cannot be played. These tracks can be scheduled for
automatic download from the convenience of your Neuros.
Main Neuros Menu
The menus include arrows to indicate that a sub-menu
follows the current menu. A scroll bar running down
the length of the menu indicates that more listings are
available by using the Up and Down keys to scroll.
Songs Menu
Neuros Audio
Playing Music:
Clicking the Play button from almost any menu will begin playing the first song listed.
For different selections explore the Neuros Audio menu:
1. Select from Songs, Playlists, Artists, Albums, Genres or Recordings.
2. Scroll using the Up and Down buttons through the listings to identify your choice.
3. Click Play to start immediate playback, or click Select to pop up the Xi menu for more options.
Neuros Audio
Song Titles
Now Playing
Create playlists using the Neuros Synchronization Manager and import playlists from your favorite
media players. Or create your own custom mix right on your Neuros (called My Mix). Later when you
sync, your custom mix will be transferred to the Neuros Synchronization Manager for you to save.
To playback a playlist:
1. From the Neuros Audio menu, select Playlists to view all playlists transferred from your PC along
with the My Mix playlist that you create on the Neuros.
2. Scroll to the playlist you would like to playback and click the Play button.
To create and add tracks to the My Mix playlist:
1. Identify the song or recording you would like to add to My Mix from the songs or recordings menus.
2. Click the Select button to pop up the Xi menu.
3. Select “Add to My Mix.” A confirmation message will let you know that you have successfully added
track to the My Mix playlist.
4. Click the Back button to return to the previous menu to select additional tracks for the My Mix playlist.
5. Tracks added to the My Mix playlist will be listed alphabetically.
To remove songs or recordings from a Playlist:
1. Select the playlist from which you would like to remove songs or recordings.
2. Select the song or recording you would like to remove.
3. The Xi menu will pop up to view options.
4. Select Remove.
5. Confirm your decision by clicking Up for yes and Down for no.
This will remove the track from the playlist, not from the Neuros or your PC.
If you wish to delete a track, see p.10.
MyFi: Broadcast Neuros through any FM radio
Now you can enjoy your music everywhere and anywhere. The integrated Neuros MyFi transmitter
uses all digital stereo encoding just like the broadcast towers used by professional radio stations.
Through a wireless connection, you can broadcast your music in the car, your office or a friend’s house.
No need for additional accessories or wires!
There is also no need to fumble around, trying to find a free FM frequency for your broadcast. With the
Neuros AutoScan feature, Neuros will automatically scan the FM dial and return to you the most available
frequency for your broadcast.
Using MyFi:
1. Initiate AutoScan. First plug in your earphones
since they will act as an antenna for the
Neuros tuner. Then, go to the Settings menu and
select MyFi.
2. From the MyFi menu, select AutoScan. Neuros
will scan over 70 frequencies, so this can take a
couple minutes. AutoScan is complete when the
blinking eye animation stops and the frequency
Left: When AutoScan is completed the recommended
frequency for broadcasting is displayed. Right: The fre-
quency for FM playback is identified in the lower right.
selected remains on the screen.
3. Unplug your earphones.
4. Tune the radio that you would like to use for your broadcast to the frequency that Neuros AutoScan
has returned to you.
5. Return to the Neuros Audio menu and select the music for your broadcast.
6. Click Play. MyFi playback will begin.
7. Control the volume using your FM radio as you normally would. The volume control buttons on the
Neuros are not operational while MyFi is being used.
Note: You can AutoScan at any time. The identified frequency will be stored on your Neuros and is
visible to you from the “Now Playing” screen when you click Play.
To manually adjust the MyFi transmission frequency:
1. During playback click the Up and Down buttons to set a new frequency.
2. Then change the radio that you are broadcasting through to the same frequency.
The Neuros factory default setting for MyFi is AutoDetect. This means that when Neuros detects
earphones, MyFi will not be available. Unplug your earphones when you want to use MyFi
to broadcast through any FM radio.
Through MyFi on the Settings Menu, you can change the setting to have MyFi always off. You can
also choose the MyFi Quality – mono or stereo.
Listening to the Neuros FM Radio
You can listen to the radio through the Neuros integrated FM radio. When you are in FM Radio mode, you
can also use the HiSi automatic song identification feature (see HiSi on p.17). You can also record what
you are listening to on the radio directly into MP3 format (see Recordings on p. 20).
To turn on/off the Neuros FM radio:
1. Select FM Radio from the Neuros main menu.
2. To turn off the FM Radio click the Back button.
Note: your earphones act as your antenna to improve radio reception.
Adjusting the radio dial:
1. Manually tune by clicking the Forward and Rewind buttons.
2. Rapidly scan frequencies by pressing and holding the Forward and Rewind buttons.
3. Seek next frequency by double-clicking the Forward and Rewind buttons.
To set a radio station as a preset:
1. Select the radio station for which you would like to assign a preset button.
2. While the station is playing, press and hold down the preset button of
your choice.
3. The preset number will appear on your screen.
FM Radio
HiSi or Hear it! Save it!: Discover New Music on the Radio
Identify new music with a unique automatic song recognition system called HiSi
or Hear it!
Save it!. With a click of the orange HiSi button on your player, Neuros initiates a “digital fingerprint”
of a song you hear on the Neuros radio. When you synchronize with your PC, the Neuros Sync Manager
connects to the Internet and returns the title and artist of the song to your device. To use the HiSi
service you must complete user registration on your Neuros Sync Manager. There is no charge for the
HiSi service.
Using HiSi
Note: You must have the Neuros radio tuned to the station playing the song you wish to identify.
You also must have the earphones plugged in to act as the FM tuner antenna.
When you hear a song you would like to identify:
1. Click the orange HiSi button once.
2. The HiSi recording screen will countdown the 30
second song clip length needed for the digital fingerprint.
3. When HiSi is complete you will automatically
be returned to the FM menu.
HiSi Recording
HiSi Finished
When you hear a song on an external radio (e.g. car radio) you would like HiSi to identify:
1. Make sure earphones are plugged into your Neuros.
2. Press and hold the orange HiSi button. This puts you directly in FM Radio mode. This action will
also power on the Neuros.
3. Tune to desired station.
4. Click HiSi button to start recording the 30 second song clip needed for the digital fingerprint.
Neuros will save these samples as files with radio station, date, and time as the file name. These files
will be stored in the “To be identified” menu file accessible from the HiSi menu (go to Neuros Main
Menu). When you synchronize with your PC, these files will be transferred to the Neuros Sync Manager
for identification.
Identifying HiSi Clips
To identify your HiSi clips, you must be connected to the Internet. The HiSi clip initiates a digital
fingerprint which is matched against a web-based database for identification.
1. Connect the USB cable to your Neuros and to your PC.
2. Open the Neuros Sync Manager.
3. Click the Synchronization
button on the tool bar.
4. The song title and artist will be identified in the Messages box at the bottom of the
Neuros Sync Manager.
5. Click the Synchronization
button again to transfer this information to your Neuros.
To view completed HiSi requests on your Neuros:
1. Select HiSi from the main Neuros menu.
2. Select one of three categories: Identified, To Be Identified, or Unsuccessful.
To play a HiSi clip, select the file stored in one of the three categories noted above and select Play from
the Xi menu.
To cancel and delete the HiSi clip while recording is underway:
1. Click the Back button while the HiSi clip is being recorded.
2. You will be asked to cancel the HiSi recording, yes or no?
To delete the HiSi clip when HiSi is complete:
1. From the HiSi complete screen, click Select to pop up the Xi menu.
2. Select Delete.
Note: The Neuros HiSi song identification feature is designed to match at least 95% of music heard on the radio.
New songs are continually being added. Poor reception (earphones not plugged in) or incomplete recordings can
impair the identification process. “Best Guesses” are also provided when HiSi isn’t sure.
Recordings – Create MP3 files from the Neuros FM radio,
Microphone, or Any Device (through line-level input)
Use your Neuros to record directly to the MP3 file format with the built-in microphone and digital
encoding capability.
Neuros offers three recording options:
FM Radio Recordings – recording what you hear on Neuros FM Radio to MP3 file format.
Voice Recordings – using the built-in microphone to record notes or memos to yourself and others.
Line-In Recordings – using a “line-in” connection, any microphone or device with an audio output can
be the source of recordings created and stored onto your Neuros in the MP3 format.
The recording quality can be adjusted. To learn about Neuros’ storage capacity and how to adjust quality
levels, see “Settings/Record Quality” on p. 28.
64 Kbps
96 Kbps
128 Kbps
160 Kbps
Record to MP3 format
From Neuros FM:
1. Tune your Neuros FM radio to the station from which you would like to record.
2. Double-click the orange HiSi button to start recording. Important: a single click will only record a thirty
second HiSi clip.
3. Stop recording by clicking the Back button.
From Neuros Microphone:
1. Double-click the orange HiSi button to start recording.
2. Start speaking into the Neuros built-in microphone (top of player).
3. Stop recording by clicking the Back button.
From Line-Level Input:
1. Plug in external microphone or line out from any audio device from which you wish to record into
the line-level input connector on the bottom of you Neuros (see “Tour of Player” on the front page)
using standard 1/8'' audio jack connectors.
2. Double-click the orange HiSi button to start recording
3. Click Play on the device from which you are recording.
4. Stop recording by clicking the Back button.
To transfer recordings to your PC:
Synchronize with the Neuros Synchronization Manager. Connect the USB cable from your Neuros to your
PC and with your application open, select sync to transfer files to your PC.
Completed recordings can be found in the Recordings menu accessible from the Neuros Audio menu
and in Recordings in your Neuros Sync Manager after transfer.
PC Library
The PC Library is one of the key elements that makes Neuros an interactive computer, and not just an
MP3 player. From the Neuros main menu you can view an index of your entire PC audio collection by
selecting PC Library.
The PC Library works like a portable mirror of your PC, containing information about your songs,
playlists, and other music services. As a result, to use the PC library function effectively, you must have
all your music imported into the Neuros Synchronization Manager (see “Importing Music to the Neuros
Sync Manager”, p.8).
You can modify, organize, and schedule downloads from your PC Library audio collection all from the
convenience of your pocket-sized Neuros. All your requests are automatically executed when you next
sync with your PC. The possibilities of the PC Library are endless, so stay tuned to our website,
Schedule downloads from your PC automatically:
Use Get File from the Xi menu to automate downloads of your entire audio collection when you are
away from your PC.
1. Select PC Library from the Neuros main menu.
2. Select the song or playlist you would like to “get” from your PC.
3. From the Xi pop-up menu, select Get File. Your selection will be confirmed.
4. Click Back to return to the previous menu to select additional songs for
download next time you sync.
5. Synchronize. Make sure your USB is connected to your Neuros and to your PC.
With your Neuros Sync Manager open, click the synchronization
button and
have all your requests downloaded automatically from your PC to your Neuros.
PC Library Song Xi Menu
Tracks in the library can also be added to the My Mix playlist (explained on p.13) by selecting “Add to
My Mix” from the Xi menu. Because no media is contained in the index, that track cannot be played until
you synchronize.
From the main menu, select Settings to view menu options.
Scroll down to view all the options available. Selecting any item from
this menu will open a new window that will allow you to activate or
modify the feature’s settings.
Settings Menu
To adjust Auto-Off (automatic power off when Neuros is idle)
1. From the Settings menu, select Auto-Off
2. Select from Off, after 5 minutes, after 10 minutes, after 15 minutes, after 30 minutes, after 60 minutes.
MyFi settings–Mode, Quality and AutoScan:
To change MyFi Mode:
1. From the Settings menu, select MyFi then select Mode.
2. Select either Off or Auto Detect.
Default setting is Auto Detect. In this mode, your Neuros will turn off MyFi
when earphones are plugged in and will turn on when no earphones are
plugged in. Selecting Play will start MyFi for broadcast through an FM radio.
MyFi Mode
Note: To switch from MyFi to earphones, click Back to stop playback and plug
in earphones. Then click Play again.
To adjust MyFi Quality:
1. From the Settings menu, select MyFi, then select Quality.
2. Select either Mono or Stereo. The default setting for MyFi is Mono.
You can change this setting to Stereo.
Note: Mono broadcasting has better resistance to interference than does Stereo.
If you are using the Neuros in congested areas where you are having trouble
with interference, use the Mono setting.
MyFi Quality
To initiate AutoScan:
1. From the Settings menu, select MyFi, then select AutoScan.
When the AutoScan feature is selected your Neuros will automatically scan the full FM dial for the
most available frequency from which you can broadcast your music. This frequency will be stored in your
Neuros and will be visible to you from the “Now Playing” screen. If you move locations or find yourself in
a crowded area and need a new frequency, you can select AutoScan again, or manually adjust the MyFi
transmission frequency (see p.15).
Note: Earphones must be plugged in (they act as the Neuros FM tuner antenna) for AutoScan to work
properly. In addition, for AutoScan to work FM reception needs to be strong (e.g. doesn’t work in a tunnel).
To learn to broadcast your music through any FM radio, see “MyFi” on p.14.
To adjust Shuffle:
1. From the Settings menu, select Shuffle.
2. Select from Sequential (songs played in the order in which they are listed on the Neuros) or Random.
To adjust Repeat:
1. From the Settings menu, select Repeat.
2. Select from Off (no repeat), Repeat 1 (repeat once), or Repeat 2 (repeat twice).
To set and view Presets:
Songs, playlists, albums, genres, recordings, HiSi samples, and radio stations can all be set as a preset
and activated when one of the five preset buttons is pressed.
To program a preset:
1. Press and hold the Preset button during playback of desired song, first song of playlist, first song
of album, etc. It will turn any selected item into the preset for the button that is pressed down.
It will override any previously set presets for that button.
2. Your selection will be confirmed.
To view your preset assignments:
1. Go to Settings menu.
2. Select Presets. Your presets will be listed. Presets cannot be played from this view.
To adjust Backlight:
1. From the Settings menu, select Backlight.
2. Select Off to have the orange backlight always off, or select off after 10 seconds or off after
30 seconds.
To adjust Contrast:
1. From the Settings menu, select Contrast.
2. Use the Up and Down buttons to adjust the contrast of the display.
To view Sync Log:
The Sync log displays the status of information to be synchronized with your PC.
From the Settings menu, select Sync Log.
Pending: the number of tracks/files to be transferred to the PC at the next Sync.
Completed: the number of tracks/files successfully transferred from the Neuros to the PC and
from the PC to the Neuros.
Failed: the number of tracks/files that were not successfully transferred at the last Sync between
the PC and the Neuros.
To adjust Record Quality:
1. From the Settings menu, select Record Quality.
2. Choose from 64 kbps, 96 kbps, 128kbps, or 160 kbps. The higher the kbps, the higher quality the
recording, but the larger the file size (see charts on p. 20).
To adjust Date and Time:
1. From the Settings menu, select Date and Time.
2. The cursor moves from month > date > year > hour > minute > AM/PM. Use the Up and Down
buttons to change the values of the settings within each field.
3. Click Select to confirm the setting and move to the next field.
4. When complete, click Back to exit and return to the Settings menu.
To Restore Defaults:
1. From the Settings menu, select Restore Defaults (factory settings).
2. Select Yes or No.
To view Properties:
1. From the Settings menu, select Properties.
2. View available memory on your Neuros, the firmware version on your Neuros, and your
Neuros serial number.
Firmware and Software Updates
The Neuros Operating System is designed as an Open system, enabling new applications and new features
to be created by us and others. If you register, you will be notified of new applications and system updates
available for the Neuros digital audio computer.
We have made the update process automatic.
To update Neuros firmware or Neuros Sync Manager software:
1. You must be connected to the Internet to update your PC application software and your
Neuros device firmware.
2. From the Neuros Sync Manager, select Help and then select either Check for Application
Updates or Check for Firmware Updates.
3. For firmware updates, select the Synchronization button to transfer these upgrades to your Neuros.
4. Follow the PC prompts for application updates and follow the Neuros display prompts
for firmware updates.
For other kinds of help, like learning how to find and download
music, convert your CDs into MP3 format, and other common
questions, see Neuros software onscreen help and our Website
My PC does not recognize Neuros hardware.
The Neuros is compatible with Windows 98 SE, Me, 2000
and XP. The Neuros USB drivers are NOT compatible
with Windows 98.
After synchronization is complete, Neuros is
Disconnect from USB after file transfer is complete.
not operational – synchronization icon remains. Neuros is not operational when connected via USB.
Neuros is not responding to button clicks.
Screen is frozen or device stopped working.
1. Make sure keypad lock is in the down position.
2. Reboot Neuros by pressing and holding Up button
and Play button at the same time.
3. Press and hold Play to restart.
MyFi not working
MyFi Off is selected. From the Settings menu,
make sure MyFi is set to Auto Detect.
MyFi does not have good reception
Plug in earphones and AutoScan again or manually
change the frequency for transmission.
No HiSi icon or countdown appeared
when I tried to take a HiSi sample –
spinning record icon appeared
Double-clicked orange button by mistake. Click Back to
stop recording. Single click orange button to HiSi.
Kept recording the radio when I wanted to
make a microphone recording
Make sure you are not in FM mode when initiating a voice
Support Information
For help, like learning how to find and download music, convert your CDs into MP3 format, and
answers to other common questions, see Neuros Sync Manager onscreen help and our website
For additional information on how to develop custom Xi scripts, see
For Neuros forums see
Important Safety Information
Risk of electrical shock–do not disassemble. No user serviceable parts are inside Neuros.
Do not disassemble or modify your Neuros. Refer servicing to qualified professional.
Do not remove rechargeable battery from the unit.
To reduce the risk of shock or injury do not use or operate your Neuros near water.
Do not use in places exposed to strong magnetic or electrostatic fields.
Never plug the charger/AC adapter into the earphone port.
FCC Rules and Regulations
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user in encouraged to try to correct the interfer-
ence by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an output on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
A shielded cable must be used when connecting a peripheral to the serial ports.
Changes not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority
to operate the equipment.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference;
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Neuros Limited Warranty - Parts And Labor
DIGITAL INNOVATIONS, LLC ("DI") warrants your Neuros MP3 digital audio computer and accessories to
be free from defects in material and workmanship within the following warranty period, starting from the
date of sale to the original consumer purchaser.
90 Days - Labor / 1 Year - Parts
If this product should prove defective within the first NINETY (90) DAY warranty period, DI will repair
or replace the product (at its sole discretion) free of charge. Said product must be returned to DI at the
consumer's expense and must include dated proof of purchase. In addition, DI will replace any covered
part (with a new or re-manufactured part) of this product which proves defective during the next NINE
(9) MONTHS after the NINETY (90) DAY labor warranty period. DI warrants replacement products or
parts provided under this warranty against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of the
replacement or repair for ninety (90) days or for the remaining portion of the original product's warranty,
whichever provides longer coverage for you.
This warranty does not apply to any Neuros MP3 digital audio computer and accessories that are used for
commercial, rental, or industrial purposes, are damaged by accident, misuse, abuse, improper line voltage,
water, lightning, or any acts of God. This warranty is void if product is altered, modified, or if any parts or
service covered by this warranty are furnished by anyone other than DI or its Authorized Warranty Station.
This warranty does not cover carrying cases, batteries, cosmetic parts, or any other accessories used in
connection with the product or consequential damages due to a defect in the product.
If your Neuros MP3 digital audio computer or accessories should prove defective during the next NINE
(9) MONTHS following the NINETY (90) DAY labor warranty period, contact DI, and on request DI will give
you information on where to send your unit for warranty service. Your dated sales receipt or other proof
of purchase will establish your eligibility for warranty service. DI will be responsible only for labor or
parts, as applicable, rendered under this warranty and not the loss of any unit, or stored data or
programs, delivered to DI or its Authorized Warranty Station.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which may vary from
jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
7250 North Cicero Avenue, Suite 100
Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712
PHONE 866-5-NEUROS (866-563-8767)
AutoScan, 14
Memory, 20
Remove, 10
Backpack, 5
Menus, 11
Repeat, 10
Battery, 4
Microphone, 20
Mono, 15
Safety information, 31
Samples (HiSi), 18
Sample rate, 20
Seek, 14
Built-in microphone, 20
Broadcast through FM radio, 14
Clips (HiSi), 18
MyFi, 14
MyFi settings, 24
My Mix, 13
Create MP3 files, 20
Date, 28
Settings, 24
Neuros Radio, 14
Neuros Synchronization
Manager, 6
Shuffle, 10, 26
Software, 6, 29
Support, 31
Delete, 10
Digital fingerprint, 17
Extra Information Menu, 10
FCC, 32
PC Library, 11, 22
Package contents, 4
Playing, 11
Sync log, 27
System requirements, 5
Time, 28
Features, 2
Firmware, 29
Playlists, 12
Tour, 0
FM radio recordings, 20
Forums, 31
Presets, 26
Troubleshooting, 30
Tune, 14
Problems, 30
Quality, 24
Get file, 23
Update, 2, 29
Voice recordings, 20
Warranty, 33
Xi, 10
Identifying music samples, 17
Importing Music, 8
Line-in recordings, 20
Quick Start, 3
Radio, 16
Recordings, 20
© 2002 Digital Innovations, LLC. All rights reserved.
Digital Innovations, Neuros, Neuros HD, MyFi, HiSi, and Xi are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Digital Innovations, LLC,
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